| From Pedro Domingos | 1. Title: Echocardiogram Data | | 2. Source Information: | -- Donor: Steven Salzberg (salzberg@cs.jhu.edu) | -- Collector: | -- Dr. Evlin Kinney | -- The Reed Institute | -- P.O. Box 402603 | -- Maimi, FL 33140-0603 | -- Date Received: 28 February 1989 | | 3. Past Usage: | -- 1. Salzberg, S. (1988). Exemplar-based learning: Theory and | implementation (Technical Report TR-10-88). Harvard University, | Center for Research in Computing Technology, Aiken Computation | Laboratory (33 Oxford Street; Cambridge, MA 02138). | -- Steve applied his EACH program to predict survival (i.e., life | or death), did not use the wall-motion attribute, and recorded 87 | correct and 29 incorrect in an incremental application to this | database. He also showed that, by tuning EACH to this domain, | EACH was able to derive (non-incrementally) a set of 28 | hyper-rectangles that could perfectly classify 119 instances. | -- 2. Kan, G., Visser, C., Kooler, J., & Dunning, A. (1986). Short | and long term predictive value of wall motion score in acute | myocardial infarction. British Heart Journal, 56, 422-427. | -- They predicted the same variable (whether patients will live | one year after a heart attack) using a different set of 345 | instances. Their statistical test recorded a 61% accuracy | in predicting that a patient will die (post-hoc fit). | -- 3. Elvin Kinney (in communication with Steven Salzberg) reported | that a Cox regression application recorded a 60% accuracy | in predicting that a patient will die. | | 4. Relevant Information: | -- All the patients suffered heart attacks at some point in the past. | Some are still alive and some are not. The survival and still-alive | variables, when taken together, indicate whether a patient survived | for at least one year following the heart attack. | | The problem addressed by past researchers was to predict from the | other variables whether or not the patient will survive at least | one year. The most difficult part of this problem is correctly | predicting that the patient will NOT survive. (Part of the difficulty | seems to be the size of the data set.) | | 5. Number of Instances: 132 | | 6. Number of Attributes: 13 (all numeric-valued) | | 7. Attribute Information: | 1. survival -- the number of months patient survived (has survived, | if patient is still alive). Because all the patients | had their heart attacks at different times, it is | possible that some patients have survived less than | one year but they are still alive. Check the second | variable to confirm this. Such patients cannot be | used for the prediction task mentioned above. | 2. still-alive -- a binary variable. 0=dead at end of survival period, | 1 means still alive | 3. age-at-heart-attack -- age in years when heart attack occurred | 4. pericardial-effusion -- binary. Pericardial effusion is fluid | around the heart. 0=no fluid, 1=fluid | 5. fractional-shortening -- a measure of contracility around the heart | lower numbers are increasingly abnormal | 6. epss -- E-point septal separation, another measure of contractility. | Larger numbers are increasingly abnormal. | 7. lvdd -- left ventricular end-diastolic dimension. This is | a measure of the size of the heart at end-diastole. | Large hearts tend to be sick hearts. | 8. wall-motion-score -- a measure of how the segments of the left | ventricle are moving | 9. wall-motion-index -- equals wall-motion-score divided by number of | segments seen. Usually 12-13 segments are seen | in an echocardiogram. Use this variable INSTEAD | of the wall motion score. | 10. mult -- a derivate var which can be ignored | 11. name -- the name of the patient (I have replaced them with "name") | 12. group -- meaningless, ignore it | 13. alive-at-1 -- Boolean-valued. Derived from the first two attributes. | 0 means patient was either dead after 1 year or had | been followed for less than 1 year. 1 means patient | was alive at 1 year. | | 8. Missing Attribute Values: (denoted by "?") | Attribute #: Number of Missing Values: (total: 132) | ------------ ------------------------- | 1 2 | 2 1 | 3 5 | 4 1 | 5 8 | 6 15 | 7 11 | 8 4 | 9 1 | 10 4 | 11 0 | 12 22 | 13 58 | | 9. Distribution of attribute number 2: still-alive | Value Number of instances with this value | ---- ----------------------------------- | 0 88 (dead) | 1 43 (alive) | ? 1 | Total 132 | | | 10. Distribution of attribute number 13: alive-at-1 | Value Number of instances with this value | ---- ----------------------------------- | 0 50 | 1 24 | ? 58 | Total 132 0, 1. age at heart attack: continuous. pericardial effusion: 0, 1 fractional shortening: continuous. E-point septal separation: continuous. left ventricular end-diastolic dimension: continuous. wall-motion-score: continuous. wall-motion-index: continuous.