| Converted to machine-readable form by Brian Frasca (6/13/94) | | Citation Request: | This primary tumor domain was obtained from the University Medical Centre, | Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia. Thanks go to M. Zwitter and | M. Soklic for providing the data. Please include this citation if you plan | to use this database. | | 1. Title: Primary Tumor Domain | | 2. Sources: | (a) Source: | (b) Donors: Igor Kononenko, | University E.Kardelj | Faculty for electrical engineering | Trzaska 25 | 61000 Ljubljana (tel.: (38)(+61) 265-161 | | Bojan Cestnik | Jozef Stefan Institute | Jamova 39 | 61000 Ljubljana | Yugoslavia (tel.: (38)(+61) 214-399 ext.287) | (c) Date: November 1988 | | 3. Past Usage: (sveral) | 1. Cestnik,G., Konenenko,I, & Bratko,I. (1987). Assistant-86: A | Knowledge-Elicitation Tool for Sophisticated Users. In I.Bratko | & N.Lavrac (Eds.) Progress in Machine Learning, 31-45, Sigma Press. | -- Assistant-86: 44% accuracy | 2. Clark,P. & Niblett,T. (1987). Induction in Noisy Domains. In | I.Bratko & N.Lavrac (Eds.) Progress in Machine Learning, 11-30, | Sigma Press. | -- Simple Bayes: 48% accuracy | -- CN2 (95% threshold): 45% | 3. Michalski,R., Mozetic,I. Hong,J., & Lavrac,N. (1986). The Multi-Purpose | Incremental Learning System AQ15 and its Testing Applications to Three | Medical Domains. In Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on | Artificial Intelligence, 1041-1045. Philadelphia, PA: Morgan Kaufmann. | -- Experts: 42% accuracy | -- AQ15: 29-41% | | 4. Relevant Information: | This is one of three domains provided by the Oncology Institute | that has repeatedly appeared in the machine learning literature. | (See also breast-cancer and lymphography.) | | 5. Number of Instances: 339 | | 6. Number of Attributes: 18 including the class attribute | | 7. Attribute Information: (class is location of tumor) | --- NOTE: All attribute values in the database have been entered as | numeric values corresponding to their index in the list | of attribute values for that attribute domain as given below. | 1. class: lung, head & neck, esophasus, thyroid, stomach, duoden & sm.int, | colon, rectum, anus, salivary glands, pancreas, gallblader, | liver, kidney, bladder, testis, prostate, ovary, corpus uteri, | cervix uteri, vagina, breast | 2. age: <30, 30-59, >=60 | 3. sex: male, female | 4. histologic-type: epidermoid, adeno, anaplastic | 5. degree-of-diffe: well, fairly, poorly | 6. bone: yes, no | 7. bone-marrow: yes, no | 8. lung: yes, no | 9. pleura: yes, no | 10. peritoneum: yes, no | 11. liver: yes, no | 12. brain: yes, no | 13. skin: yes, no | 14. neck: yes, no | 15. supraclavicular: yes, no | 16. axillar: yes, no | 17. mediastinum: yes, no | 18. abdominal: yes, no | | 8. Missing Attribute Values: (? indicates unknown value) | Attribute#: Number of missing values | 1: 0 | 2: 0 | 3: 1 | 4: 67 | 5: 155 | 6: 0 | 7: 0 | 8: 0 | 9: 0 | 10: 0 | 11: 0 | 12: 0 | 13: 1 | 14: 0 | 15: 0 | 16: 1 | 17: 0 | 18: 0 | | 9. Class Distribution: | Class Index: Number of instances in class: | 1: 84 | 2: 20 | 3: 9 | 4: 14 | 5: 39 | 6: 1 | 7: 14 | 8: 6 | 9: 0 | 10: 2 | 11: 28 | 12: 16 | 13: 7 | 14: 24 | 15: 2 | 16: 1 | 17: 10 | 18: 29 | 19: 6 | 20: 2 | 21: 1 | 22: 24 lung, head & neck, esophasus, thyroid, stomach, duoden & sm-int, colon, rectum, anus, salivary glands, pancreas, gallblader, liver, kidney, bladder, testis, prostate, ovary, corpus uteri, cervix uteri, vagina, breast. age: less-30,range30-50,over60. sex: male, female. histologic-type: epidermoid, adeno, anaplastic. degree-of-diffe: well, fairly, poorly. bone: yes,no. bone-marrow: yes, no. lung: yes, no. pleura: yes, no. peritoneum: yes, no. liver: yes, no. brain: yes, no. skin: yes, no. neck: yes, no. supraclavicular: yes, no. axillar: yes, no. mediastinum: yes, no. abdominal: yes, no.