| 1. Title: Space Shuttle Autolanding Domain | | 2. Sources: | (a) Original source: unknown | -- NASA: Mr. Roger Burke's autolander design team | (b) Donor: Bojan Cestnik | Jozef Stefan Institute | Jamova 39 | 61000 Ljubljana | Yugoslavia (tel.: (38)(+61) 214-399 ext.287) | (c) Date: November 1988 | | 3. Past Usage: (several, it appears) | Example: Michie,D. (1988). The Fifth Generation's Unbridged Gap. | In Rolf Herken (Ed.) The Universal Turing Machine: A | Half-Century Survey, 466-489, Oxford University Press. | | 4. Relevant Information: | This is a tiny database. Michie reports that Burke's group used | RULEMASTER to generate comprehendable rules for determining | the conditions under which an autolanding would be preferable to | manual control of the spacecraft. | | 5. Number of Instances: 15 | | 6. Number of Attributes: 7 (including the class attribute) | | 7. Attribute Information: | 1. Class: noauto, auto | -- that is, advise using manual/automatic control | 2. STABILITY: stab, xstab | 3. ERROR: XL, LX, MM, SS | 4. SIGN: pp, nn | 5. WIND: head, tail | 6. MAGNITUDE: Low, Medium, Strong, OutOfRange | 7. VISIBILITY: yes, no | | 8. Missing Attribute Values: | -- none | -- but several "don't care" values: (denoted by "*") | Attribute Number: Number of Don't Care Values: | 2: 2 | 3: 3 | 4: 8 | 5: 8 | 6: 5 | 7: 0 | | 9. Class Distribution: | 1. Use noauto control: 6 noauto, auto. STABILITY: stab, xstab, irrelevant. ERROR: XL, LX, MM, SS, irrelevant. SIGN: pp, nn, irrelevant. WIND: head, tail, irrelevant. MAGNITUDE: Low, Medium, Strong, OutOfRange, irrelevant. VISIBILITY: yes, no.