{ "nbformat": 3, "nbformat_minor": 0, "worksheets": [ { "cells": [ { "source": [ "> This is one of the 100 recipes of the [IPython Cookbook](http://ipython-books.github.io/), the definitive guide to high-performance scientific computing and data science in Python.\n" ], "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": [] }, { "source": [ "# 5.5. Ray tracing: Cython array buffers" ], "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {} }, { "source": [ "In this example, we will render a sphere with a diffuse and specular material. The principle is to model a scene with a light source and a camera, and use the physical properties of light propagation to calculate the light intensity and color of every pixel of the screen." ], "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {} }, { "cell_type": "code", "language": "python", "outputs": [], "collapsed": false, "input": [ "import numpy as np\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt" ], "metadata": {} }, { "cell_type": "code", "language": "python", "outputs": [], "collapsed": false, "input": [ "%matplotlib inline" ], "metadata": {} }, { "cell_type": "code", "language": "python", "outputs": [], "collapsed": false, "input": [ "%load_ext cythonmagic" ], "metadata": {} }, { "source": [ "## Take 1" ], "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {} }, { "cell_type": "code", "language": "python", "outputs": [], "collapsed": false, "input": [ "%%cython\n", "import numpy as np\n", "cimport numpy as np\n", "from numpy import dot\n", "from libc.math cimport sqrt\n", "\n", "DBL = np.double\n", "ctypedef np.double_t DBL_C\n", "INT = np.int\n", "ctypedef np.int_t INT_C\n", "cdef INT_C w, h\n", "\n", "w, h = 200, 200 # Size of the screen in pixels.\n", "\n", "def normalize(np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] x):\n", " # This function normalizes a vector.\n", " x /= np.linalg.norm(x)\n", " return x\n", "\n", "def intersect_sphere(np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] O, np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] D, \n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] S, DBL_C R):\n", " # Return the distance from O to the intersection \n", " # of the ray (O, D) with the sphere (S, R), or \n", " # +inf if there is no intersection.\n", " # O and S are 3D points, D (direction) is a \n", " # normalized vector, R is a scalar.\n", " \n", " cdef DBL_C a, b, c, disc, distSqrt, q, t0, t1\n", " cdef np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] OS\n", " \n", " a = dot(D, D)\n", " OS = O - S\n", " b = 2 * dot(D, OS)\n", " c = dot(OS, OS) - R*R\n", " disc = b*b - 4*a*c\n", " if disc > 0:\n", " distSqrt = np.sqrt(disc)\n", " q = (-b - distSqrt) / 2.0 if b < 0 \\\n", " else (-b + distSqrt) / 2.0\n", " t0 = q / a\n", " t1 = c / q\n", " t0, t1 = min(t0, t1), max(t0, t1)\n", " if t1 >= 0:\n", " return t1 if t0 < 0 else t0\n", " return np.inf\n", "\n", "def trace_ray(np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] O, np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] D,\n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] position,\n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] color,\n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] L,\n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] color_light):\n", " \n", " cdef DBL_C t\n", " cdef np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] M, N, toL, toO, col\n", " \n", " # Find first point of intersection with the scene.\n", " t = intersect_sphere(O, D, position, radius)\n", " # No intersection?\n", " if t == np.inf:\n", " return\n", " # Find the point of intersection on the object.\n", " M = O + D * t\n", " N = normalize(M - position)\n", " toL = normalize(L - M)\n", " toO = normalize(O - M)\n", " # Ambient light.\n", " col = ambient * np.ones(3)\n", " # Lambert shading (diffuse).\n", " col += diffuse * max(dot(N, toL), 0) * color\n", " # Blinn-Phong shading (specular).\n", " col += specular_c * color_light * \\\n", " max(dot(N, normalize(toL + toO)), 0) \\\n", " ** specular_k\n", " return col\n", "\n", "def run():\n", " cdef np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=3] img\n", " img = np.zeros((h, w, 3))\n", " cdef INT_C i, j\n", " cdef DBL_C x, y\n", " cdef np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] O, Q, D, col, position, color, L, color_light\n", "\n", " # Sphere properties.\n", " position = np.array([0., 0., 1.])\n", " color = np.array([0., 0., 1.])\n", " L = np.array([5., 5., -10.])\n", " color_light = np.ones(3)\n", " \n", " # Camera.\n", " O = np.array([0., 0., -1.]) # Position.\n", " Q = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # Pointing to.\n", " \n", " # Loop through all pixels.\n", " for i, x in enumerate(np.linspace(-1., 1., w)):\n", " for j, y in enumerate(np.linspace(-1., 1., h)):\n", " # Position of the pixel.\n", " Q[0], Q[1] = x, y\n", " # Direction of the ray going through the optical center.\n", " D = normalize(Q - O)\n", " # Launch the ray and get the color of the pixel.\n", " col = trace_ray(O, D, position, color, L, color_light)\n", " if col is None:\n", " continue\n", " img[h - j - 1, i, :] = np.clip(col, 0, 1)\n", " return img\n", "\n", "cdef DBL_C radius, ambient, diffuse, specular_k, specular_c\n", "\n", "# Sphere and light properties.\n", "radius = 1.\n", "diffuse = 1.\n", "specular_c = 1.\n", "specular_k = 50.\n", "ambient = .05 " ], "metadata": {} }, { "cell_type": "code", "language": "python", "outputs": [], "collapsed": false, "input": [ "img = run()\n", "plt.imshow(img);\n", "plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]);" ], "metadata": {} }, { "cell_type": "code", "language": "python", "outputs": [], "collapsed": false, "input": [ "%timeit -n1 -r1 run()" ], "metadata": {} }, { "source": [ "## Take 2" ], "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {} }, { "source": [ "In this version, we rewrite normalize in pure C." ], "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {} }, { "cell_type": "code", "language": "python", "outputs": [], "collapsed": false, "input": [ "%%cython\n", "import numpy as np\n", "cimport numpy as np\n", "from numpy import dot\n", "from libc.math cimport sqrt\n", "\n", "DBL = np.double\n", "ctypedef np.double_t DBL_C\n", "INT = np.int\n", "ctypedef np.int_t INT_C\n", "cdef INT_C w, h\n", "\n", "w, h = 200, 200 # Size of the screen in pixels.\n", "\n", "# normalize is now a pure C function that does not make\n", "# use NumPy for the computations\n", "cdef normalize(np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] x):\n", " cdef DBL_C n\n", " n = sqrt(x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2])\n", " x[0] /= n\n", " x[1] /= n\n", " x[2] /= n\n", " return x\n", "\n", "def intersect_sphere(np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] O, np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] D, \n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] S, DBL_C R):\n", " # Return the distance from O to the intersection \n", " # of the ray (O, D) with the sphere (S, R), or \n", " # +inf if there is no intersection.\n", " # O and S are 3D points, D (direction) is a \n", " # normalized vector, R is a scalar.\n", " \n", " cdef DBL_C a, b, c, disc, distSqrt, q, t0, t1\n", " cdef np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] OS\n", " \n", " a = dot(D, D)\n", " OS = O - S\n", " b = 2 * dot(D, OS)\n", " c = dot(OS, OS) - R*R\n", " disc = b*b - 4*a*c\n", " if disc > 0:\n", " distSqrt = np.sqrt(disc)\n", " q = (-b - distSqrt) / 2.0 if b < 0 \\\n", " else (-b + distSqrt) / 2.0\n", " t0 = q / a\n", " t1 = c / q\n", " t0, t1 = min(t0, t1), max(t0, t1)\n", " if t1 >= 0:\n", " return t1 if t0 < 0 else t0\n", " return np.inf\n", "\n", "def trace_ray(np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] O, np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] D,\n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] position,\n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] color,\n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] L,\n", " np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] color_light):\n", " \n", " cdef DBL_C t\n", " cdef np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] M, N, toL, toO, col\n", " \n", " # Find first point of intersection with the scene.\n", " t = intersect_sphere(O, D, position, radius)\n", " # No intersection?\n", " if t == np.inf:\n", " return\n", " # Find the point of intersection on the object.\n", " M = O + D * t\n", " N = normalize(M - position)\n", " toL = normalize(L - M)\n", " toO = normalize(O - M)\n", " # Ambient light.\n", " col = ambient * np.ones(3)\n", " # Lambert shading (diffuse).\n", " col += diffuse * max(dot(N, toL), 0) * color\n", " # Blinn-Phong shading (specular).\n", " col += specular_c * color_light * \\\n", " max(dot(N, normalize(toL + toO)), 0) \\\n", " ** specular_k\n", " return col\n", "\n", "def run():\n", " cdef np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=3] img\n", " img = np.zeros((h, w, 3))\n", " cdef INT_C i, j\n", " cdef DBL_C x, y\n", " cdef np.ndarray[DBL_C, ndim=1] O, Q, D, col, position, color, L, color_light\n", "\n", " # Sphere properties.\n", " position = np.array([0., 0., 1.])\n", " color = np.array([0., 0., 1.])\n", " L = np.array([5., 5., -10.])\n", " color_light = np.ones(3)\n", " \n", " # Camera.\n", " O = np.array([0., 0., -1.]) # Position.\n", " Q = np.array([0., 0., 0.]) # Pointing to.\n", " \n", " # Loop through all pixels.\n", " for i, x in enumerate(np.linspace(-1., 1., w)):\n", " for j, y in enumerate(np.linspace(-1., 1., h)):\n", " # Position of the pixel.\n", " Q[0], Q[1] = x, y\n", " # Direction of the ray going through the optical center.\n", " D = normalize(Q - O)\n", " # Launch the ray and get the color of the pixel.\n", " col = trace_ray(O, D, position, color, L, color_light)\n", " if col is None:\n", " continue\n", " img[h - j - 1, i, :] = np.clip(col, 0, 1)\n", " return img\n", "\n", "cdef DBL_C radius, ambient, diffuse, specular_k, specular_c\n", "\n", "# Sphere and light properties.\n", "radius = 1.\n", "diffuse = 1.\n", "specular_c = 1.\n", "specular_k = 50.\n", "ambient = .05 " ], "metadata": {} }, { "cell_type": "code", "language": "python", "outputs": [], "collapsed": false, "input": [ "img = run()\n", "plt.imshow(img);\n", "plt.xticks([]); plt.yticks([]);" ], "metadata": {} }, { "cell_type": "code", "language": "python", "outputs": [], "collapsed": false, "input": [ "%timeit -n1 -r1 run()" ], "metadata": {} }, { "source": [ "> You'll find all the explanations, figures, references, and much more in the book (to be released later this summer).\n\n> [IPython Cookbook](http://ipython-books.github.io/), by [Cyrille Rossant](http://cyrille.rossant.net), Packt Publishing, 2014 (500 pages)." ], "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {} } ], "metadata": {} } ], "metadata": { "name": "", "signature": "sha256:fc0e803b304422465a21b7deacbc6ef79e9dfe27a15bc02894e81f6f4cc28ba3" } }