import IPython.core.magic as ipym import os @ipym.magics_class class CppMagics(ipym.Magics): @ipym.cell_magic def cpp(self, line, cell=None): """Compile, execute C++ code, and return the standard output.""" # Define the source and executable filenames. source_filename = os.path.abspath('temp.cpp') program_filename = os.path.abspath('temp.exe') # Write the code contained in the cell to the C++ file. with open(source_filename, 'w') as f: f.write(cell) # Compile the C++ code into an executable. compile ="g++ {0:s} -o {1:s}".format( source_filename, program_filename)) # Execute the executable and return the output. output = return output def load_ipython_extension(ipython): ipython.register_magics(CppMagics)