
  • 📄 A quick tour of IPython Notebook-checkpoint.ipynb9 KB
  • 📄 Chapter 1 - Reading from a CSV-checkpoint.ipynb695 KB
  • 📄 Chapter 10 Pivot Tables-checkpoint.ipynb181 bytes
  • 📄 Chapter 2 - Selecting data & finding the most common complaint type-checkpoint.ipynb264 KB
  • 📄 Chapter 3 - Which borough has the most noise complaints (or, more selecting data)-checkpoint.ipynb85 KB
  • 📄 Chapter 4 - Find out on which weekday people bike the most with groupby and aggregate-checkpoint.ipynb209 KB
  • 📄 Chapter 5 - Combining dataframes and scraping Canadian weather data-checkpoint.ipynb308 KB
  • 📄 Chapter 6 - String Operations- Which month was the snowiest-checkpoint.ipynb199 KB
  • 📄 Chapter 7 - Cleaning up messy data-checkpoint.ipynb61 KB
  • 📄 Chapter 8 - How to deal with timestamps-checkpoint.ipynb19 KB
  • 📄 Chapter 9 - Loading data from SQL databases-checkpoint.ipynb47 KB