Klaasjan van Druten

Klaasjan van Druten Universitair hoofddocent (associate professor) at the
Van der Waals Zeeman Institute,
part of the Institute of Physics
part of the in the Faculty of Science
of the University of Amsterdam

Mail address:

Dr. N.J. van Druten
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Van der Waals-Zeeman Instituut
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Institute phone: +31 20 525 5663

Office: C4.255, phone: +31 20 525 7118
Lab: D0.136, phone: +31 20 525 6379
E-mail: N.J.vanDruten - at - uva.nl

Brief curriculum vitae

Research /Onderzoek

Teaching / Onderwijs

Other / Overig