Published Research from the Amsterdam Team.
- K. Dzhaparidze, P.J.C. Spreij and E. Valkeila (2000), Information processes in filtered experiments,
Part I: general concepts, University of
Helsinki, Department of Mathematics preprint 264 and
Part II: explicit
representations and examples, University of
Helsinki, Department of Mathematics preprint 265 (2000)
(both parts in one postscript
- D.H. Baillie and C.A.J. Klaassen (2000),
Credit-based accept-zero sampling schemes for the
control of outgoing quality,
KdV Math. Preprint Series 00-04.
- A. Klein, P.J.C. Spreij (2000), On
the application of Vandermonde matrices to time series
analysis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Math preprints 00-18.
- P.J.C. Spreij (2001), On hidden
Markov chains and finite stochastic systems,
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Math preprint 01-6.
- J.H. van Zanten (2000),
Uniform convergence of curve estimators for ergodic diffusion processes.
- J.H. van Zanten (2001),
On uniform laws of large numbers for ergodic diffusions and consistency
of estimators, Department of Stochastics,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, report 2001-18.
- F.C. Drost and B.J.M. Werker (2001),
Semiparametric Duration Models: the ACD
model, Center Discussion
Papers 2001-11, Tilburg University.
- A.J. van Es, P.J.C. Spreij, J.H. van Zanten (2001)
Nonparametric Volatility Density Estimation
, Mathematics ArXiv PR/0107135.
- Jose A. Ferreira (2001), A note on inverses of non-decreasing Levy processes,
CWI report PNA-R0110 (compressed postscript).
- T. Blomster, K. Dzhaparidze (2001), On Cobb-Douglas dynamical exchange economies,
University of Helsinki,
Department of Mathematics, report 303.
- A.J. van Es and H.-W. Uh (2001), Asymptotic normality of kernel type
deconvolution estimators, Math. Preprint Series 01-26.
- Jose A. Ferreira, Kacha Dzhaparidze (2001), A frequency domain approach to some results on fractional Brownian motion, CWI report PNA-R0123.
- J.H. van Zanten (2002),
On Empirical Processes for Ergodic Diffusions,
Department of Stochastics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
report 2002-2.
- K. Dzhaparidze and J.H. van Zanten (2002),
A series representation for fractional Brownian motion, Department of Stochastics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
report 2002-5.
- A.J. van Es, P.J.C. Spreij, J.H. van Zanten (2002)
Nonparametric volatility density estimation for discrete time models,
Mathematics ArXiv PR/0206142.
- B. van Es and S. Kolios (2002), Estimating a structural distribution
function by grouping, Mathematics ArXiv PR/0203080.
- Bert van Es, Chris Klaassen and Philiop Mokveld (2003), Efficient estimation in the accelerated failure time model under cross
sectional sampling (Math. Preprint Series 03-06).
- Bert van Es and Hae Won Uh,
Asymptotic normality of kernel type deconvolution estimators: Crossing
the Cauchy boundary (Math. Preprint Series 02-33).
- Bert van Es (2003), Combining kernel estimators in the uniform deconvolution problem
Preprint Series 02-28).
- S. Caires and J.A. Ferreira (2003), On the Nonparametric Prediction of Conditionally Stationary
Sequences, CWI report PNA-R0304.
- Lorenzo Finesso and Peter Spreij (2004),
Approximate Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via Alternating Minimization,
Mathematics ArXiv
Aad van der Vaart and Harry van Zanten (2004),
Donsker theorems for diffusions: necessary and
sufficient conditions, to appear in the Annals of Probability.
Kacha Dzhaparidze and Harry van Zanten (2003)
spectral theory and the Paley-Wiener expansion for fractional
Brownian motion, to appear in the Annals of Probability.
Kacha Dzhaparidze and Harry van Zanten (2003),
Optimality of an explicit series expansion of the
fractional Brownian sheet.
Harry van Zanten (2003),
On the rate of convergence of the MLE in Brownian semimartingale models
Harry van Zanten and Pawel Zareba (2004),
A note on wavelet density deconvolution for weakly dependent data.
- Bert van Es, Shota Gugushvili and Peter Spreij (2004), A kernel type nonparametric density estimator for decompounding
Published research:
- J.H. van Zanten (2000), A multivariate central limit theorem for continuous local martingales,
Statistics and Probability Letters 50(3), 229-235.
- K. Dzhaparidze, P.J.C. Spreij and J.H. van Zanten (2000), Some aspects of modeling and statistical inference for
financial models , Statistica Neerlandica 54(3), 265-292.
- J.H. van Zanten (2000), On the uniform convergence of the empirical density of an ergodic diffusion,
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 3(3), 251-262.
- B. van Es, C.A.J. Klaassen and K. Oudshoorn (2000),
Survival analysis under cross sectional sampling:
length bias and multiplicative censoring, J. Statist. Plann.
Inference 91, 295-312.
- C.A.J. Klaassen and R.M. Mnatsakanov (2000),
Consistent estimation of the structural distribution function,
Scandinavian J. Statist. 27, 733-746.
- C.A.J. Klaassen (2001),
Credit in acceptance sampling on attributes,
Technometrics 43, 212-222.
- K. Dzhaparidze and J.H. van Zanten (2001), On Bernstein-type inequalities for martingales
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 93(1), 109-117.
- P.J.C. Spreij (2001), On the
Markov property of a finite hidden Markov chain, Statistics and
Probability Letters, Vol 52/3, 279-288.
- B. Van Es (2001), On the expansion of the mean integrated squared error
of a kernel density estimator, Statistics & Probability Letters 52/4, 441-450.
- F.C. Drost, F.M. de Jong and B.J.M. Werker (2001), A jump-diffusion model
for exchange rates in a target zone, Statistica
Neerlandica Vol 55, 270-300.
- E.V. Boguslavskaya (2001),
optimization of long-term irreversible investments in a diffusion
model, Theory of Probability
and Applications, Volume 45 (4), 647-658.
- K. Dzhaparidze (2001), On Interpolation Series Related to the
Abel-Goncharov Problem, with Applications to Arithmetic-Geometric
Mean Relationship and Hellinger Integrals, Indag. Mathem., N.S.,
12(1), 55-72.
- J.H. van Zanten (2001), A note on consistent estimation of multivariate
parameters in ergodic diffusion models,
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 28(4),
- A. Lucas, P. Klaassen, P.J.C. Spreij and S. Straetmans (2001),
An analytic approach to credit risk of large corporate bond and loan portfolios,
J. of Banking and Finance, vol. 25 issue 9, 1635-1664.
- Jongbloed, G. (2001). Sieved maximum likelihood estimation in Wicksell's problem and related deconvolution problems.
Scandinavian Journal
of Statistics, vol. 28, 161-183.
- Jongbloed, G. and Koole, G.M. (2001), Managing uncertainty in call centers using Poisson mixtures.
Applied Stochastic Models in Business
and Industry, vol 17, 307-318.
- Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Wellner, J.A. (2001), A canonical process for estimation of convex functions: the "invelope" of
integrated Brownian motion + t4, Annals of Statistics, vol. 29, 1620-1652.
- Groeneboom, P., Jongbloed, G. and Wellner, J.A. (2001), Estimation of a convex function:
characterizations and asymptotic theory,
Annals of Statistics, vol. 29, 1653-1698
- J.H. van Zanten (2001),
Rates of convergence and asymptotic normality of kernel estimators for ergodic
diffusion processes, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 13(6),
- K. Dzhaparidze, P.J.C. Spreij and E. Valkeila (2002), Information
concepts for filtered experiments, Probability Theory and
Mathematical Statistics no. 67, 38-56.
- K. Dzhaparidze and Ferreira, J.A. (2002), A frequency domain
approach to some results on fractional Brownian motion,
to appear in Statistics and Probability
- A. Lucas, P. Klaassen, P.J.C. Spreij, S. Straetmans (2002),
Extreme Tails for Linear Portfolio Credit Risk Models,
Proceedings of
the Third Joint Central Bank Research Conference, Basle, 271-283.
- J.H. van Zanten (2002), Continuous Ocone Martingales as Weak Limits of Rescaled Martingales,
Electronic Communications in Probability 7, 215-222.
- A.J. van Es, P.J.C. Spreij, J.H. van Zanten (2003), Nonparametric
Volatility Density Estimation, Bernoulli 9 (3), 451-465.
- K. Dzhaparidze, P.J.C. Spreij and E. Valkeila (2003), Information
processes for semimartingale experiments,
Annals of Probability 31, 216-243.
- Peter Spreij (2003), On hidden Markov chains and finite stochastic
systems, Statistics and Probability Letters 62, 189-201.
- Van Es, B., C.A.J. Klaassen and R.M. Mnatsakanov (2003),
Estimating the
structural distribution function of cell probabilities, The Austrian
Journal of Statistics 32(1&2), 85-98.
- J.H. van Zanten (2003), On uniform laws of large numbers for ergodic diffusions and consistency of
estimator, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 6(2),
- F.C. Drost and B.J.M. Werker (2003),
Semiparametric Duration Models, to appear in Journal of Business and Economic
Kacha Dzhaparidze and Harry van Zanten (2004),
A series expansion of fractional Brownian motion
Probability Theory and Related Fields 130(1),
Harry van Zanten (2003),
On empirical processes for ergodic diffusions
and rates of convergence of M-estimators.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 30(3), 443-458.
A. Lucas, P. Klaassen, P.J.C. Spreij and
S. Straetmans (2003), Tail behaviour of credit loss distributions for
general latent factor models,
Applied Mathematical Finance 10 (4), 337-357.
- A. Klein and P.J.C. Spreij (2003), On the application of Vandermonde
matrices to time series analysis, SIAM Journal on
Matrix Analysis, 25 (1),
Lorenzo Finesso and Peter Spreij (2004),
Approximate Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via Alternating Minimization, Proceedings of
the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Leuven, July 5-9, 2004
G. Jongbloed, F.H. van der Meulen and A.W. Van der Vaart (2004), Nonparametric inference for Lévy-driven Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, to appear in Bernoulli.
A.J. van Es and H.-W. Uh (2004),
Asymptotic normality of kernel type deconvolution estimators: Crossing the Cauchy boundary,
Nonparametric Statistics 16, 261-277.
C.A.J. Klaassen and J.Th. Runnenburg (2003),
Discrete Spacings,
Statistica Neerlandica 57,
- A.J. van Es, P.J.C. Spreij, J.H. van Zanten (2004)
Nonparametric volatility density estimation for discrete time models,
To appear in Journal of Nonparametric Statistics.
- Feike C. Drost, Bas J. M. Werker (2004), Semiparametric Duration Models,
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 22 (1), 40-50.
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