Welcome to my home page. I am a senior staff member of the Department of Philosophy of the University of Amsterdam. I used to work mostly on the formal semantics and pragmatics of natural language (e.g. conversational implicatures) and philosophy of language. More recently, I worked also on topics in philosophical logic (e.g. vagueness) and metaphysics (e.g. universalia). From 2005 until 2010 I worked on my NWO funded VIDI research project in Amsterdam called `The Economics of Language. Language Use and the Evolution of Linguistic Convention'. Before that, I was a KNAW-fellow working on the project `Games, Relevance, and Meaning'. I did my PhD in Stuttgart (1997). Until 2012, I supervised two projects on vagueness and comparatives, funded by NWO and ESF. Currently I supervise an ESF-funded project on communication and context