1.1. SystemsΒΆ
In these lecture notes we restrict ourselves to the most simple systems: SISO systems. Systems with one input signal (Single Input) and one output signal.
When the system is fed with an input signal \(x(t)\) it outputs the signal \(y(t)\). For now a system is just a black box for us. We will often use the block diagram representation of systems. sdasd
A one input, one output (SISO) system
More complex systems have multiple inputs and multiple outputs: MIMO systems.
We will often find the need to use several systems and combine them into a new systems.
- Cascaded Systems
Two systems connected in such a way that the output of one system is the input to the second system are cascaded or connected in series.
Cascaded (or serial) Systems
In a later section when we restrict ourselves to linear systems we will look again at the block diagrams to construct composite systems.