High Pass Filter ================ As for the low pass filter we design a high pass filter using just one passive element, in this case a capacitor in series with the driver. In the schemematic below the speaker driver is represented with the resistor. .. tikz:: :xscale: 35 \draw (0,0) to[voltage source, v=$u_{in}$] (0,4) to[short, i=$i$] (2,4) to[C=$Z_{cap}$] (2,2) to[R=$R$] (2,0) to[short] (0,0); \draw (5,0) to (5,0); The transfer function in this case is: .. math:: H(\omega) = \frac{R}{R+\frac{1}{j\omega C}} = \frac{j\omega RC}{1+j\omega RC} The bode plot for this system with $R=8\Omega$ and $C=10\mu F$ is given below. The cutoff frequency appears to be near 2 KHz. .. exec_python:: highpass electronics :linenumbers: :code: shutter :Code_label: Show code for figure :results: hide import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() R = 8 C = 10E-6 w = np.logspace(-1,6,num=1000) H = R / (R+1/(1j*w*C)) plt.plot(w, abs(H)) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel(r'$\omega$') plt.ylabel(r'$|H(\omega)|$') plt.savefig('source/figures/bodeabsplothighpass.png') .. figure:: /figures/bodeabsplothighpass.png :width: 70% :align: center **Bode plot of high pass filter.** Let's do some quick and dirty analysis to see where the cutoff frequency is in terms of R and C. For low frequencies we have .. math:: H(\omega) \approx j\omega R C and thus .. math:: \log | H(\omega)| = \log(RC) + \log(\omega) and for large frequencies: .. math:: H(\omega) \approx 1 and thus .. math:: \log | H(\omega)| = 0 The cutoff frequency is thus at $\omega_x = 1/(RC)$ and for this choice of resistor and capacitor $f_x = \omega_x/(2\pi) = 1989 Hz$