2015–2016 General Relativity
2015–2016 General Relativity
1.Logistic details
•Dates & time: 9:00 on Tuedays and Thursdays every week
-First class: 2 February; last class 17 March
•Rooms: CWI Turingzaal (Tuesdays) & SP C0.110 (Thursdays)
•Final exam: 22 March, 13:00–16:00, JWS zaal 2
•Teaching assistants: Fotios Dimitrakopoulos (f.dimitrakopoulos {at} uva.nl), Michael Feyereisen (m.r.feyereisen {at} uva.nl), Niki Klop (l.b.klop {at} uva.nl), Suraj Krishnamurthy (s.krishnamurthy {at} uva.nl)
•Credit: 6EC
•S. M. Carroll: “Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity” (Benjamin Cummings, 2003)
•B. Shutz: “A First Course in General Relativity” (Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2009)
•C. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne, & J. A. Wheeler: “Gravitation” (W. H. Freeman, 1973)
•R. W. Wald: “General Relativity” (University of Chicago Press, 1984)
•S. Weinberg: “Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity” (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,1972)
•L. D. Landau & E. M. Lifshitz: “The Classical Theory of Fields” (Butterworth-Heinemann, 4th edition, 1980)
3.Covered contents (equivalent of sections in Carroll 2003) and exercise problems:
•February 2: Secs. 1.1–1.3 (Exercises)