Errata to the paper T.H. Koornwinder and M. Mazzocco, Dualities in the $q$-Askey scheme and degenerate DAHA, Studies Appl. Math. 141 (2018), 424-473; arXiv:1803.02775v3 [math.CA]. Last mocdified: 7 December 2022. On the second line after formula (16) replace "This system is uniquely solvable" by "This system is uniquely solvable except if $e_4=q^2$. On the line above formula (98) replace "(1-q^n)E_{n-1}" by "(1-q^n)R_{n-1}". On p.450 in the journal version or on p.25 in the arXiv version replace in the last line before subsection 5.5 $qa,b,c,d$ by $q\tilde a,\tilde b,\tilde c,\tilde d$.