


DNA is the genetic building block of life on earth. After seven years all atoms in our body are renewed, but the structure remains, be it older and wiser. The secret of the stability of DNA is the naturation (binding) of its two monomer strands. Under specific conditions, the strands can denaturate (unbind). This is already needed for making a copy of DNA, but it can also occur in laboratory. Adhesion of DNA to a wall will typically make the two strands stronger bound and lead to an unexpected collective effect. We find a region of Borromean binding, where the potentials that try to adsorb the individual strands to the wall are too weak to do so, while also the interstrand potential is too weak to naturate (bind) the two strands. Nevertheless, their combined effect may yield a bound state of naturated, adsorbed DNA.
(The weapon shield of the "famiglia Borreomeo" contains three connected rings. When one is taken out, the other two are also no longer bound, symbolizing the strength of cooporation. Magicians often perform tricks based on this type of binding.)

[L48] A.E. Allahverdyan, Zh.S. Gevorkian, Chin-Kun Hu and Th.M. N.,
Adhesion Induced DNA Naturation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 098302 (2006)
Selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research -- March 15, 2006

Molecular Motors

Molecular motors are proteins that move in the cells of our body along filaments, like trains proceed along railroad tracks. They take care of transport inside cells, muscle contraction and are involved in healing of wounds and fractures. One example is the motor molecule kinesin, that moves on microtubules. Typical progression speeds are one micron per second (a few milimeters per hour). This explains why it takes weeks to heal fractures: the new material has to be transported from the spine over a distance of about one meter at this slow speed.

My research on this subject is carried out with Stefan Klumpp and Reinhard Lipowsky of the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Golm, near Potsdam, near Berlin.
Whereas most research in the field of Brownian motors concentrates on the question how these motors can propagate at all, we have studied their large scale motion, which is important for their functioning in our body.
A press release on this work was issued by the Max Planck Society on May 3, 2005: Motor Transport in Bio-Nano Systems

[C32] Stefan Klumpp, Theo M. N. and Reinhard Lipowsky, Movements of molecular motors: Ratchets, random walks and traffic phenomena, Physica E 29, 380-389 (2005) or cond-mat/0502527
Proceedings Conference Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague, Czech Republic 26-29 July 2004. Edited by Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen, P.D. Keefe and V. Spicka

[C31] Theo M. N., Stefan Klumpp and Reinhard Lipowsky, Walks of molecular motors interacting with immobilized filaments, Physica A 350, 2005 pp 122-130: Proceedings Conference: Biologically Motivated Statistical Physics and Related Problems, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 22-26 June 2004. Also as cond-mat/0408655

[P65] S. Klumpp, Th.M. N. and R. Lipowsky, Self-organized density patterns of molecular motors in arrays of cytoskeletal filaments, Biophys. J. 88, 3118-3132 (2005).

[P63] Th.M. N., S. Klumpp and R. Lipowsky, Random walks of molecular motors arising from diffusional encounters with immobilized filaments, Physical Review E 69, 061911 (2004)
Selected for: June 15, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research.

[L40] Th.M. N., R. Lipowsky and S. Klumpp, Walks of molecular motors in two and three dimensions, Europhys. Lett. 58 , (2002) 469-474

[L39] R. Lipowsky, S. Klumpp and Th.M. N., Random walks of cytoskeletal motors in open and closed compartments, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001) 108101




Neural networks

Neural networks are statistical mechanics models designed to understand, on a fundamental level, how pattern storage and recovery could be organized in our brain. An important field was started by Hopfield in the mid-seventies, where networks are considered of neurons that can be in one of two states, firing or non-firing. A pattern is then a certain state with firing and non-firing neurons. Imporant issues are then: stability, recovery, adaptation, learning.

The next work was done in collaboration with researchers from the University of Leuven, near Brussels.

[P61] D. Bollé, Th M Nieuwenhuizen, I Pérez Castillo and T Verbeiren, A spherical Hopfield model,
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 10269-10277, 2003


An old work

[C9] Th.M. N. Why disorder influences life, in ``Dynamics of interfaces, surfaces and membranes'', Les Houches series (Nova, New York 1993) pp 191-200