Lifshitz tails and Griffiths singularities


In random systems with binary disorder there occur, because of statistiscal reasons, regions with only one of the component. For instance, in a binary mass problem, the probability to find N light masses surrounded by M heavy masses is p^N(1-p)^M, if p is the probability to find one light mass and 1-p the probability to find a heavy. Now if the shape of these regions is close to spherical, they have the highest possible eigenfrequencies and they set the density of states near the upper frequency. This density vanishes exponentially because the needed regions are exponentially rare.
Similar singularities occur in a whole region on the high frequency side of the spectrum, related to finite regions made up of unit cells with more than one particle, e.g. having one light and one heavy atom, LH, or two light ones, LLH, or HHL, etc.

- A lot of attention was payed to this problem in one dimension [P14], [P18], [P19]. There these exponential decays are multiplied by periodic amplitudes, of which the structure was be analyzed.
- A natural generalization was arbitrary disorder in arbitrary dimension, studied in [P20], [P29],[L11].
- These studies culminated in a field theoretic approach for renormalized instantons for the description of binary disorder in three dimensions, [L10]. This had a nice implication for the number of compact random walks on ordered lattices, a result still not "proven" by mathematicians. That prediction was confirmed for the density of states of a binary mixture in three dimensions, where a latice implication of the theory was compared with a numerical evaluation of the density of states [P33].
- A short review on this matter is [P29]. It also discusses the related renormalized instanton prediction in a one-dimensional case, which gave a very good description of the known exact result.

- Griffiths singularites are related rare regions when considered for their application to thermodynamics. Typically they cannot be evaluated analytically. But for the two-dimensional Ising model we know from Onsager that the free energy is determined by an underlying density of states. Then the Griffiths singularities are directly related to the Lifshitz singularities of that densiy of states [L12].

- Finally, there in binary random chains there are other singularities in the spectrum. Consider, for instance, the eigenfrequency of one light mass in a chain of heavy masses. In the random chain the light mass will typically be surrounded by a finite number of heavy masses. The statistics is such that the resulting density of states has a powerlaw divergency at that point
. Now there is a dense set of such frequencies with divergencies in the density of states, related to more complicated insertions in heavy mass sections, such as LHL. Around all these points the powerlaws are dressed by periodic amplitudes [P10].



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[L11] Th.M. N. and J.M. Luck, Singularies in spectra of disordered systems: an instanton for arbitrary dimension and randomness ,
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[P33] M.C.W. van Rossum, Th.M. N., E. Hofstetter and M. Schreiber, Density of states of disordered systems, Phys. Rev. B 49 (1994) 13377-13782

[P29] Th.M. N., Singularies in spectra of disordered systems, Physica A 167 (1990) 43-65

[P20] J.M. Luck and Th.M. N., Lifshitz tails and long-time decay in random systems with arbitrary disorder, J. Stat. Phys. 52 (1988) 1-22

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