Invited Talk: Igor Walukiewicz
Alternation hierarchies
In analogy with classical quantifier alternation hierarchies one can
define the hierarchies based on alternation of least and greatest
fixpoints. If we take a decidable logic as the propositional
mu-calculus is decidable so we can hope to understand its fixpoint
alternation hierarchy from the algorithmic point of view. Since a
decade we know that the fixpoint hierarchy is infinite. We have also
examples of hard languages for each level of the hierarchy. Still, we
are quite far from settling the decidability question: given a regular
tree language compute its level in the hierarchy.
In this talk will survey the present status some results on this
problem. Using the connection between the mu-calculus and automata, the
talk will rather look at different hierarchies in the automata
setting. Topological hierarchy based on Wadge reducibility will be also