Contributed Talks
Here is a list of the (confirmed) contributed talks:
- W Belkhir and L Santocanale
The variable hierarchy for the games mu-calculus
- M Benevides and L Menasche Schechter
An analysis of syntactic fragments of hybrid CTL with the downarrow binder
- J Cunningham
Epistemic modalities as fixed points
- G Fontaine
The continuous fragment of the mu-calculus
- J Gaintzarain, M Hermo, P Lucio, M Navarro and F Orejas
Invariant-free clausal temporal resolution
- S Göller and M Lohrey
ICDPL with fixed points and nominals
- J van Benthem and D Ikegami
Modal fixed-point logic and changing models
- A Lisitsa
Logic with temporally accessed iteration over finite structures
- I Meinecke
On the expressive power of a weighted mu-calculus on words