Implementing Doubly-Linked Lists

Although the Java programming language has not many composite data structures built-in, they can easily be implemented. In this section we shall discuss an implementation of doubly-linked lists. This example of a self-made container class also shows how to implement an enumeration interface for accessing the elements sequentially. If you wish, you may skip this subsection or come back to it later.
  1. Overall Structure of Doubly-Linked Lists
  2. Implementing the List Items
  3. Implementing the Doubly-Linked List
  4. Providing the List Enumeration
  5. Demonstrating the Doubly-Linked List Implementation

Overall Structure of Doubly-Linked Lists

If you wish to traverse a list both forwards and backwards efficiently, or if you wish, given a list element, to determine the preceding and following elements quickly, then the doubly-linked list comes in handy. A list element contains the data plus pointers to the next and previous list items as shown in the picture below.

Of course we need a pointer to some link in the doubly-linked list to access list elements. It is convenient for doubly-linked lists to use a list header, or head, that has the same structure as any other list item and is actually part of the list data structure. The picture below shows an empty and nonempty doubly-linked list. By following arrows it is easy to go from the list header to the first and last list element, respectively.

Insertion and removal of an element in a doubly-linked list is in this implementation rather easy. In the picture below we illustrate the pointer changes for a removal of a list item (old pointers have been drawn solid and new pointers are dashed arrows). We first locate the previous list item using the previous field. We make the next field of this list item point to the item following the one in cursor position pos. Then we make the previous field of this following item point to the item preceding the one in the cursor position pos. The list item pointed to by the cursor becomes useless and should be automatically garbage collected.

In a pseudo-programming language we could write the following code:
  remove(cursor pos) 
      if empty list  then
        ERROR("empty list.")
      else if cursor points at list header  then
        ERROR("cannot remove the list header")
        pos.previous&.next = pos.next;
        pos.next.previous = pos.previous;

Implementing the List Items

The basic ListItem class is easily defined as follows


final class ListItem {
  Object obj;
  ListItem previous, next;

  public ListItem(Object obj) {
    this(null, obj, null);

  public ListItem(ListItem previous, Object obj, ListItem next) {
    this.previous = previous;
    this.obj = obj;
    this.next = next;
A class definition with only two constructor methods. The keyword final ensures that this class has no subclasses nor that a user can derive a class from this one.

Implementing the Doubly-Linked List

The objects of type ListItem are placed in a doubly-linked list. For this we have to define a class LinkedList. It contains a special ListItem, called the head, to give the user a principal handle to the list items. The insertion methods (insertBefore, insertAfter) and the removal method (remove) in the LinkedList class need a pointer to the position in the list at which action should take place.

For this purpose we introduce a ListIterator class. A ListIterator contains the LinkedList to which it belongs and a pointer to the ListItem that is currently selected. The ListIterator class contains methods to move the cursor position. The LinkedList class contains the methods

To step through all current list items, we added a procedure elements in the LinkedList class; it returns an Enumeration object.

Most of the Java code for the two classes below should speak for itself.

final class ListIterator {
  LinkedList owner;
  ListItem pos;

  ListIterator(LinkedList owner, ListItem pos){
    this.owner = owner;
    this.pos = pos;

  * check whether object owns the iterator
  public boolean belongsTo(Object owner) {
    return this.owner == owner;

  * move to head position
  public void head() {
    pos = owner.head;

  * move to next position
  public void next() {
    pos = pos.next;

  * move to previous position
  public void previous() {
    pos = pos.previous;
import java.util.*;

public class LinkedList {   
  ListItem head;
  * creates an empty list
  public LinkedList() {
    head = new ListItem(null);
    head.next = head.previous = head;

  * remove all elements in the list
  public final synchronized void clear() {
    head.next = head.previous = head;

  * returns true if this container is empty.
  public final boolean isEmpty() {
    return head.next == head;

  * insert element after current position
  public final synchronized void insertAfter(Object obj, ListIterator cursor) {
    ListItem newItem = new ListItem(cursor.pos, obj, cursor.pos.next);
    newItem.next.previous = newItem;
    cursor.pos.next = newItem;

  * insert element before current position
  public final synchronized void insertBefore(Object obj, ListIterator cursor) {
    ListItem newItem = new ListItem(cursor.pos.previous, obj, cursor.pos);
    newItem.previous.next = newItem;
    cursor.pos.previous = newItem;

  * remove the element at current position
  public final synchronized void remove(ListIterator cursor) {
    if (isEmpty()) {
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("empty list.");
    if (cursor.pos == head) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException("cannot remove the head");
    cursor.pos.previous.next = cursor.pos.next;
    cursor.pos.next.previous = cursor.pos.previous;

  * Return an iterator positioned at the head.
  public final ListIterator head() {
    return new ListIterator(this, head);

  * find the first occurrence of the object in a list
  public final synchronized ListIterator find(Object obj) {
    if (isEmpty()) {
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("empty list.");
    ListItem pos = head;
    while (pos.next != head) {  // There are still elements to be inspected
      pos = pos.next;
      if (pos.obj == obj) {
        return new ListIterator(this, pos);
    throw new NoSuchElementException("no such object found");

  * Returns an enumeration of the elements. Use the Enumeration methods on
  * the returned object to fetch the elements sequentially.
  public final synchronized Enumeration elements() {
    return new ListEnumerator(this);
The synchronized keyword in many of the above methods indicates that the methods that have this modifier change the internal state of a LinkedList object which is not "thread-safe": for example, insertions and removals of list elements should not be carried out in random order, but in the order in which they are requested. The synchronized keyword takes care of this: when you call a synchronized instance method, Java first locks the instance so that no other threads can modify the object concurrently. See the section on interaction between threads for more details on synchronization.

Providing the List Enumeration

Java provides the Enumeration interface to step through the elements in an instance of a built-in container class such as Vector. You can look up the source code of the Enumeration interface in the development kit; it looks as follows:
public interface Enumeration {

    boolean hasMoreElements();

    Object nextElement();
So, these are the two methods that you can use to iterate through the set of values. Two examples of their use.

Of course we want to offer this enumeration facility for doubly-linked lists as well. The elements method of the LinkedList class already delivers an Enumeration, actually an instance of the ListEnumerator class.

The skeleton of this class is as follows:

import java.util.*;

final class ListEnumerator implements Enumeration {  
  LinkedList list;
  ListIterator cursor;

  ListEnumerator(LinkedList l) {

  public boolean hasMoreElements() {  
  public Object nextElement() {
The enumerator contains You may wonder why another cursor to step through the data structure, but when you traverse a linked list, maybe a cursor in use is at an important position before traversal and should stay there after traversal.

The constructor ListEnumerator(LinkedList l) generates the enumeration from a given doubly-linked list: it positions the cursor at the list header and move it one position further. In Java code:

  ListEnumerator(LinkedList l) {
    list = l;
    cursor = list.head();
What remains to be done is the implementation of the two promised methods:

Collecting the Java code defining the ListEnumerator class we get:


import java.util.*;

final class ListEnumerator implements Enumeration {  
  LinkedList list;
  ListIterator cursor;

  ListEnumerator(LinkedList l) {
    list = l;
    cursor = list.head();

  public boolean hasMoreElements() {  
    return cursor.pos != list.head;
  public Object nextElement() {
    synchronized (list) {
      if (cursor.pos != list.head) {
        Object object = cursor.pos.obj;
        return object;
    throw new NoSuchElementException("ListEnumerator");

Demonstrating the Doubly-Linked List Implementation

To show how the doubly-linked lists really work and to test the correctness of the implementation, it is advisable to write a graphical program that allows you to do this. Below, you see a Java applet that simulates a doubly-linked list of integers. You start with an empty list and the first four buttons allow you to insert or remove elements. There is also a cursor belonging to the list. It is always positioned at the list item that is drawn in red. The previous and next buttons allow you to move the cursor. At the right-hand side we have a button to step through all list elements and to find an object in the list.

The source code for this applet is available and can be used for testing other data structures such as queues, stacks, singly-linked (circular) lists, and so on.