HotSniper: Sniper-Based Toolchain for Many-Core Thermal Simulations in Open System


This letter presents a toolchain called HotSniper developed by integrating HotSpot temperature modeling tool with Sniper many-core simulator. HotSniper allows for interval thermal simulation of many-cores, which is several times faster than the cycle-accurate many-core thermal simulations and at the same time is more accurate than trace-based many-core thermal simulations. HotSniper toolchain provides efficient means to perform thermal-aware hardware-software codesign of many-core processors in domain of embedded systems. The source code for HotSniper has been made public.

IEEE Embedded System Letter
Anuj Pathania
Anuj Pathania
Assistant Professor

Anuj Pathania is an Assistant Professor in the Parallel Computing Systems (PCS) group at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). His research focuses on the design of sustainable systems deployed in power-, thermal-, energy- and reliability-constrained environments.