Defragmentation of Tasks in Many-Core Architectures


Many-cores can execute multiple multithreaded tasks in parallel. A task performs most efficiently when it is executed over a spatially connected and compact subset of cores so that performance loss due to communication overhead imposed by the task’s threads spread across the allocated cores is minimal. Over a span of time, unallocated cores can get scattered all over the many-core, creating fragments in the task mapping. These fragments can prevent efficient contiguous mapping of incoming new tasks leading to loss of performance. This problem can be alleviated by using a task defragmenter, which consolidates smaller fragments into larger fragments wherein the incoming tasks can be efficiently executed. Optimal defragmentation of a many-core is an NP-hard problem in the general case. Therefore, we simplify the original problem to a problem that can be solved optimally in polynomial time. In this work, we introduce a concept of exponentially separable mapping (ESM), which defines a set of task mapping constraints on a many-core. We prove that an ESM enforcing many-core can be defragmented optimally in polynomial time.

ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
Anuj Pathania
Anuj Pathania
Assistant Professor

Anuj Pathania is an Assistant Professor in the Parallel Computing Systems (PCS) group at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). His research focuses on the design of sustainable systems deployed in power-, thermal-, energy- and reliability-constrained environments.