Verkenningscommissie Informatiewetenschappen VC2
I am member of Werkgroep 2 of the Verkenningscommissie Informatiewetenschappen VC2, which concentrates on the Life Science Informatics programmes.
The workforce consist of the following other members:
The workforce is responsible for the following programmes:
The following explicit questions apply for this portfolio:
- What is the consequence for Life Science Informatics if Informatics goes to the Network Institute while Life Sciences are concentrated at Watergraafsmeer?
AVI: a disaster: make a list of courses which will need a biology lab.
- Is there any problem left to make Software Engineering a joint degree?
AVI: no
- What is the impact of merging Informatiekunde with Lifestyle informatics?
AVI: program resembles Bsc Articifial Intelligence closely. Only Life Science course is Het geneeskundig proces
- Is Data Analytics a master programme:
AVI: yes
- Which aspects of classic computer science still apply to these programs?
AVI: none in the Bsc, in SE Software Architecture, in Computational Science Numerical Algorithms, BioInformatics none, none in Life Sciences, none in Data Analytics
- AVI: What is the portfolio of a modern computer science program?