Projects promoting RoboCup
- Amy Eguchi:
RoboCupJunior - Soccer Startup Guide Project
- Heinrich Mellmann, Yuan Xu and Marcus Scheunemann;
SimSpark - Open Source Simulator for SPL
- Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan, Hiroyuki Okada, Takayuki Nagai, Komei Sugiura and Tetsunari Inamura;
Open Web Based Development Platform for RoboCup @Home
- Thomas R�fer;
A Revised Referee Application for the Standard Platform and Humanoid Leagues
- Alexander Ferrein;
Referee Box and Visualisation Tool for the Logistics League Sponsored by Festo
- Alexander Kleiner, Gerald Steinbauer, Johannes Pellenz and Tomoichi Takahashi;
A Standard Robotic Software Architecture for RoboCup Rescue based on ROS - Towards Perception and Action in 3D Environments -
- Sven Behnke and Jacky Baltes;
Humanoid Soccer School 2013
- Luis Paulo Reis, Lu�s Mota and Nuno Lau;
A Middleware for executing Setplays in mixed teams
- Jos� Miguel Soares de Almeida, Andr� Dias, Alfredo Martins and Eduardo Silva;
Open Visual Ground-Truth System for Robocup Leagues
- Hamid Mobalegh, Bj�rn Karger and Raul Rojas;
Computer Controlled Human Soccer League: A New Step Towards the 2050s Goal