Faculty of Science UvA


Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces

The competition source-code of the Amsterdam Oxford Joint Rescue Forces for the RoboCup Simulation Rescue League is available on a separate download page. The Matisse - Matlab interface

The Matlab - Matisse interface

With this interface, you can transparently access the database MATISSE from the MATLAB environment, with (in the end) all the power of Matisse's Application Development Kit. This interface is based on Matisse's Application Programming Interface for the C-language.

MATISSE is a new generation Object Database Management System. The main strengths of MATISSE are its flexible and dynamic data model, its ability to manage all multimedia datatypes, its intrinsic versioning mechanism, and its high level of scaleability and 24x7 reliability.

MATLAB is an interactive environment for technical computing. It integrates computation, vizualisation and programming, which allows you to solve technical computing problems in a fraction of the time it would take to write a program in a non-interactive language such as C.

Version 0.9 (December 2001)
The current interface consists of 60 functions, all documented with a Matlab help-file.

The interface can best be placed in the directory toolbox\database\matisse in the Matlab root.
This interface can be activated by adding the line addpath [MATLAB_ROOT]\toolbox\database\matisse -end to the file toolbox\local\startup.m. Instead of [MATLAB_ROOT] you have to type your installationpath and drive, because addpath works only with absolute pathnames.

The interface only works, if you have installed Matisse Client software, which is free available at their site. For Windows, add the matisse bin-directory to your path. This is needed anyway if you want to run the java-applications on Matisse-databaes. Unfortunally, this is not done automatically by the Matisse installation program.

So,  go to the Control Panel of your computer, open the system icon there. In this window, select the Environment tab. At the bottom, you can add or edit User Variables. Create the variable MATISSE_HOME, and give it as value the place where you have installed Matisse. Then create the User variable PATH, and give it the value %MATISSE_HOME%\bin. If the User variable PATH already exists, add %MATISSE_HOME%\bin behind a ;.

For an overview of the available functions, type help matisse on the Matlab comment line after installation.

Currently, only an IntelWindows and a SparcSolaris-version are available: IntelWindowsRelease9.zip and SparcSolarisRelease9.zip.

For other platforms, or extentions of the interface, please contact <arnoud@#064;science.uva.nl>.

Release Note:

The interface is now complaint with Matisse version 5.0.1.

Compared to the previous release, the MatisseSQL-functions has a new format; the results of a query are not longer directly accessable, but are accessed via a statement-pointer.

Further there is a complete new set of data-types. My thanks to the Matisse-development team for updating this part of the interface.

Version 0.8 (October 2001)
The current interface consists of 58 functions, all documented with a Matlab help-file.

Release Note:

The interface is now complaint with Matisse version 5.0 beta3.

The help-file of the function MtOpenEntryPointStream contains an example.

Version 0.7 (July 2001)
The current interface consists of 58 functions, all documented with a Matlab help-file.

Release Note:

The interface is now complaint with Matisse version 5.0.

Compared to the previous release, the following function is removed:

  • MtSQLReset
Further, support is given for 4 new datatypes:
And last, but not least, the function MtSQLExec can handle more complex SQL-statements.

Version 0.6 (May 2000)
The current interface consists of 59 functions, all documented with a Matlab help-file.

Release Note:

Compared to the previous release, the following 2 functions are added:

  • MtGetAllInverseRelationships
  • MtOpenInverseRelationshipStream         (without s after ship, otherwise the name is too long for Matlab)
Further a bug is repaired in MtGetSuccessors, and MtSetValue can set timestamps.

Version 0.5 (April 2000)
The current interface consists of 56 functions, all documented with a Matlab help-file.

Release Note:

Compared to the previous release, the following 10 functions are added:

  • MtGetAllAttributes
  • MtGetAllRelationships
  • MtGetIndex
  • MtGetIndexInfo
  • MtGetObjectClass
  • MtGetRelationship
  • MtOpenEntryPointStream
  • MtOpenInstancesStream
  • MtIsInstanceOf
  • MtOpenRelationshipsStream
Further the functionalities of MtSetValue and MtGetValue are improved: they can handle more data-types.

Version 0.4 (March 2000)
The current interface consists of 46 functions, all documented with a Matlab help-file.

Release Note:

Compared to the previous release, the following 7 functions are added:

  • MtGetListElements
  • MtGetPredecessors
  • MtGetSuccessors
  • MtNextProperty
  • MtOpenAttributesStream
  • MtOpenPredecessorsStream
  • MtOpenSuccessorsStream
Further bugs are repaired in MtCreateObject and MtCommitTransaction.

Version 0.3 (February 2000)
The interface consisted of 39 functions, all documented with a Matlab help-file.

© This version of the software is freely available. Yet, it works only if you have a license for Matlab and a license for Matisse Client software.

visitors in A.Visser@uva.nl