last update: 2005-02-01
Project Description
Develop a simulation environment in which a map is shown and on it the location of a number of sensors. An XML script simulates sensor values that also need to be shown on the map. In addition to the simulated sensors some real sensors are used in the simulator.
It is known that during large disasters, rescue workers have difficulty sharing the most recent information. Fire fighters might enter a building of which police officials know that there are no people inside any more. With massive evacuations ambulance people may sometimes send people in a direction where a lot of congestion is present without knowing this.
This project aims to use a variety of intelligent sensors in an agent-based system to collect and share as much information as possible. A simulator is used to display the various sensor values on a map. All sensors provide a GPS coordinate that is used to indicate the sensor’s position on the map. A model disaster scenario is used to describe the various events during the disaster in order to provide a clear picture of what is happening.
In this project a first approximation of such a simulator is built and demonstrated, partly using earlier work. It forms the basis for a more extensive project that will be using the simulator.
By Peter van Lith – 22 Dec 2004
Summary and status of Tasks (green tasks are finished)
Building an XML parser using the SAX model
Building a GPS class, able to translate GPS coordinates to pixel coordinates
Visualising JPGs (maps) in a GUI
Visualising sensors on the map, with their values
Construction of a new stable GUI (The given GUI was not suitable)
Integration of the components in this new GUI
Presentation about the progress of the project (Jan 20th)
Finetuning crisis scenario XML and parser synchronisation
Finetuning the software deliverables
Writing a draft for the article
Reviewing articles from other groups
Writing the final article
Presentation of our work at the mini-conference (Feb 4th)
Peter van Lith (peter[at]lithp.nl)
Maarten Corzilius (mcorzili[at]science.uva.nl)
Michiel Kamermans (mkamerman[at]science.uva.nl)
Tijn Schmits (tschmits[at]science.uva.nl)
Mark Smids (msmids[at]science.uva.nl)
Simulator Design Proposal
Slides of the presentation about our project progress
Draft Article
Final Article
Related projects:
Probabilistic Resource Allocation in Distributed Fusion Systems
Java Camera
Interactive response system for crisis management
Website of the course DOAS
Website containing information about the 'combined project'.
The Sensor Network Simulator is a small part of this project