Faculty of Science UvA


Smartphones with Innovative Navigation Service for a unique InDoor Experience


The SmartINSIDE project is aiming at developing a complete integrated solution for indoor navigation services within large sites. Thanks to a unique technological HW and SW infrastructure, indoor navigation will be cheaper, more efficient, and accessible to any user with a standard mobile phone.

Inside the project I am active in WP5 and WP6. Inside WP5 the UvA will advise the integration of technologies with respect to integration of GNSS and WIFI technology as well as the overall integration of the communication interfaces into the system. Inside UvA designs and performs the comparison tests between the proposed GNSS, GNSS + WIFI and location technology developed at IAS. UvA also designs and performs the tests for the communication services provided by this project.

The project is a cooperation with two companies:

This are is the list of other people of the University of Amsterdam active in the project:

