Currently, in the robolab only Carlos, Lewy, Mina and Moos are present. The last two should be functional (last report January 2010, but the students think otherwise. Carlos at least cannot support is body anymore after a few steps (several batteries tried), Lewy has its occasional blackout. The question is: where is Shakey? Which robot did I sell to Leiden?
February 11, 2014
Found AibNet and R-code Editor on my memory-stick, which according to my blog from May 2011 is the best choice.
Tested the setup on a fresh machine: my daughter's laptop. AibNet seems to be working (didn't had the Yart Stick in long enough to test). The AiboEntertainmentPlayer gave problems. I had to start the VAIBOServer myself, but even when running in the background I got a "Server Error" (from VAIBOClient.dll). Added an entry Software\Sony\VirtualAIBO\Server entry (like on nb-udk), but this apperently a hack I tried in 2011 (but didn't work). What worked, was to install the VAIBOServer_Beta1.exe. After that, the AiboEntertainmentPlayer complains it is the wrong version of the Virtual Server, but once you kill that server and start the VAIBOServer.exe in the AEP-directory we finally have control over the robot.
Finding the installation CD of AEP back (or an image on the internet) would also have solved the issue.
February 10, 2014
Made a package for a high-school projects project:
Carlos with two ears, a tail and cover. Charger with pole with complete set (A to O), couldn't find Mind2 front), will add legsupport.
Linksys router DNTDEMO (no security)
Mind2 memorystick, three programmable sticks (DL, AiboMazeYart, UvA-2) and a MemoryStick reader. All stick received a working wlanconf.txt at OPEN-R\SYS\CONF.
Installed AiboRemoteFramework (release 1 from 27 Dec 2004 on nb-udk. This package only contains libraries. The VAIBOServer_Beta1 is actually an installation package, which I also installed in C:/projects/aibo. The Virtual AIbo server seems to be working in the background.
Found the Sony-programs at nb-avmovie and copied them to C:/projects/aibo/Sony. The WLAN Manager starts up, but complains that the information in the WLANCONF.txt couldn't be read (also not when I replaced it with WLANDFLT.txt).
The Aibo Entertainment also seem to work. Started with the setup and changed the Aibo's ip-address to