18 Augustus 2004
- Moos has been picked up by DHL and is send to the Aibo clinic.
Address :
Alsage plant,
Usine d' Alcase,
Zone d' activites du Muehlbach,
Ribeauville Cedex 68153
Reference number for repair : 1359713
Contact phone Aibo Clinic : UK: +44 (0)207 365 2937
Airwaybill number DHL : 4263458732
13 Augustus 2004
Work done last week :
- Compiled within Visual Studio all the projects in the DT2004
code. For details on this see the German Team description appendix A.3
(GT2003.pdf). Compiled a MS with the DT2004 code and tested it with
Bobby. Within the RobotControl?
application created a new connection for the UvA?
robosoccer lab. Added pc-zoran MS drive letter to the copyfiles.bash
To compile a DT2004 code MS do :
- Insert a MS into MS drive.
- Start the RobotControl?
- Selectt "Wlan->Add connection" to add the connections.
- Press "cp" to copy all the needed files to the MS.
To test the use of the DT2004 code do the following :
- Insert a MS compiled with the DT2004 code in an Aibo.
- Switch on the Aibo and check with the ping command for a
wireless connection.
- Start the router software within cygwin. Example for Bobby
(./start1.bash &)
- Start the RobotControl?
application and press "connect" on the "Wlan" toolbar.
- Drag out the Debug Keys toolbar and press the "N times" button
and enter "1" in the edit box.
- To check for an image from the Aibo, click on the most left
double arrow in the toolbar and select under "View" the "Image viewer".
- Now click on "Send" in the "Debug Keys" toolbar.
- After a few seconds an image from the Aibo should now appear in
the left upper window.
- The Aibo is now ready for use.
- The RobotControl? application is very buggy. It will crash
(hang) after a few minutes.
11 Augustus 2004
- Response from Sony abou the system clock:
The 'info-openr-sdk@sony.co.jp' is for asking customer registration and
no technical issue.
Please ask on the BBS about technical question.
"system clock 96 Mhz, pipeline clock 576 Mhz" is correct.
Please refer some book about mips RISC architecture.
'system clock' means memory access clock, it is called 'BUS clock'
in the Intel architecture mother board.
'pipeline clock' means CPU internal (cash access) clock.
- So according to Sony we could access the cache with 576 MHz. The
measurements indicate different numbers, but they can be wrong. For
instance, I didn't warm up the cache.
4 Augustus 2004
- Created the memorymountain for the ERS-7. The results are
written to screen, not the file, but that is not impossible. The
measurements were only done once, without warming up the cache, but are
not that noisy. The L1-cache is clearly visible at 32Kb, but no trace
of the L2-cache at 256 Kb (maybe due to the cold start). I doubt that
the ERS-7 is equipped with optional L3-cache. The golden truth is
difficult to find, because I couldn't find any reference to a 576 Mhz
R7000 processor, other than the Aibo. According to http://www.brainyencyclopedia.com/encyclopedia/m/mi/mips_architecture.html,
the R7000 processor is a side-track in the main MIPS development. The
troughput that I found are low compared with compare Pentiums (max 145
MB/s). So low, that I don't believe that the test-program was running
on the system clock (576 MHz), but on the pipeline clock (96 MHz). 145
MB/s means that one word is loaded from the L1-cache in 3 ticks of
pipeline clock, or 18 ticks of the system clock. 18 cycles is much to
long for a level 1 cache.

3 Augustus 2004
- Lewy now reports its sleeping time, as csapp::mhz.
/* Tekkotsu */
TimeET? start, now, diff;
Wait(1000000); /* 1ms is 10^6 nanoseconds */
diff = now - start;
sout->printf("start %f sec\n", start.Value());
sout->printf("wait for 1 millisec\n");
sout->printf("end %f sec\n", now.Value());
sout->printf("diff %f sec\n",diff.Value());
/* Tekkotsu */
The results are in twice as long as expected, and have a large spread:
8.060 ms, 1.485 ms, 2.690 ms, 2.269 ms, 2.343 ms, 1.318 ms, 2.437 ms,
8.391 ms, 2.597 ms, 2.031 ms, 1.435 ms, 2.833 ms
- Lewy now reports its cpuinfo, although slightly wrong: system
clock 96 Mhz, pipeline clock 576 Mhz (OPEN-R 1.1.5 r2 bug).
FindDesignData?("SYS_CPUINFO", &dataID, &data, &bytes);
if (bytes && data != NULL)
OCPUInfo *info;
info = (OCPUInfo *)data;
sout->printf("system clock %d Hz, pipeline clock %d Hz\n", info->sclk, info->pclk);
} else {
sout->printf("unknown system and pipeline clock\n");
- Moos and Bobby wilden niet opstarten met dezelfde memorystick.
Bobby zijn batterij was op, maar Moos is nog een raadsel.
29 July 2004
- Tried to measure the Memory Mountain of an Aibo. Tekkotsu looks
the most promising.
- Made a copy of Tekkotsu in /home/software
- Replace "Behaviors/Controls?/FreeMemReportControl?.h" and "Behaviors/Controls?/FreeMemReportControl?.cc"
- Tried the original FreeMemReport?
on Lewy first: cd tools/mon/; ./ControllerGUI? | telnet 10001
-> Back -> StatusReport?
-> FreeMemReport? -> Refresh
- Tried to do a 'make install' on Moos: didn't work, direct copy
of Lewy's stick worked.
- Tried to do a 'make newstick' on Moos: didn't work, wrong
wlandflt, and no data or conf directory.
- In project/Makefile? was a direct reference to the original
Tekkotsu. Make now starts building.
- Make complains about global variable data, and its size of 1 Mb.
But make isntall works, and FreeMemReportControl? can be called. Now the rest of the mountain
code in this function.
- Rest of the mountain code depends on the clock-routines, which
are machine-dependent.
- Maybe GetSystemTime?
in OPEN_R/include/MCOOP.h or TimeEventInfoWithRelativeTime?. See also the work of the Twente-students.
- Installed (at pc-zoran) the Robosoccer software in use by the
Dutch Aibo Team at the RoboCup? worldchampionship in Lisbon 2004. Although
the installation is not straight forward it compiled and run. Further
setup has to be done to get the Aibo's playing soccer. Installed WinRar? to
unpack the rar archive.
27 July 2004
- Moos right back leg is out of order. Moos has to be sent back to
April, May, June 2004
Januari, February, March 2004
Formatting Help?