Curriculum Vitae


PhD candidate (since 2021)

University of Amsterdam
Revealing anisotropic evaporating exoplanet atmospheres
Supervised by Dr. A. Oklopčić, Dr. M. MacLeod, and Prof. C. Dominik

M.Sc. in Physics (2019-2021)

Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena (Germany)
Thesis: “High-Resolution Transmission Spectroscopy and Atmospherical Composition of Hot Jupiters”
Supervised by Prof. A. Hatzes and Dr. Ch. Helling

Study Abroad (2019)

University of St Andrews (UK)

B.Sc. in Physics (2015-2019)

Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena (Germany)
Thesis: “Deep-Imaging and Analysis of the Star Cluster IC 4665”
Supervised by Prof. R. Neuhäuser and Dr. M. Mugrauer

Work Experience

  • Teaching Assistant (2022-2023) at University of Amsterdam, "Planet Formation and Exoplanets" and "Atmospheres and Radiative Transfer"
  • Research Assistant (2020-2021) at Thuringian State Observatory
  • Teaching Assistant (2017-2020) at Friedrich-Schiller-University, “Physics of Planetary Systems”,
    “Stellar Physics”, “Experimental Physics”
  • Observing Assistant (2018) at University Observatory Großschwabhausen
  • Demonstrator (2016-2018) at Zeiss-Planetarium Jena


  • "Anisotropic Planetary Winds: Insights from the Helium Line" (Devember 2023), talk at Space Telescope Science Institute, Johns Hopkins University
  • "Three Dimensional Simulations of Exoplanetary Atmosphere Escape" (December 2023), talk at Monday Afternoon Talks at MIT Kalvi Institute
  • "Three Dimensional Simulations of Exoplanetary Atmosphere Escape" (November 2023), talk at ITC Luncheon at Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • "Anisotropic Planetary Winds: Insights from the Helium Line" (June 2023), contributed talk at ESA's Holland-Area Exoplanet Science Meeting
  • "Revealing Anisotropic Evaporating Exoplanet Atmospheres" (April 2022), invited talk at Thuringian State Observatory Colloquium
  • "Revealing Anisotropic Evaporating Exoplanet Atmospheres" (April 2022), contributed talk at ESA's Holland-Area Exoplanet Science Meeting
  • "The day/night chemistry in the upper atmosphere of HD189733b" (April 2021), contributed talk at Scottish Exoplanet/Brown Dwarf Spring meeting 2021
  • “With TESS to New Planets” (August 2020), public talk at Zeiss-Planetarium Jena