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Long Duration UDP Tests


At November 4, 2002 long duration UDP bulk transfer tests were performed in both directions between CERN and StarLight. A modified version of the Iperf V. 1.6.2. has been used to generate the traffic with most important adjustment the usage of unsigned 64 bit counters in the place of the default unsigned 32 bit variables. This was required to prevent counter overflows with these long measurement times.

From the hosts available at that moment maximal three stream pairs could be defined. In our tests the following stream pairs were used in both directions: w01gva-ge-0 <-> w03chi-ge-1, w05gva-ge-0 <-> w05chi-ge-1 and w06gva-ge-0 <-> w06chi-ge-1, where the phrase gva (chi) refers to an in CERN, Geneva (StarLight, Chicago) located host. The test time was 3600 s with a periodic bandwidth report each 20 s. The shaped sender bandwidth per stream was 700 Mbit/s. The packet size was 64 Kbyte.


In the following figures the UDP receiver bandwidth and the percentage datagrams lost have been presented as a function of the interval time. Each individual stream is represented here by a plot trace. There also traces in the corresponding plots for the total receiver bandwidth, summed over all streams, and for the average percentage datagrams lost.

In , , the UDP receiver bandwidth, respectively percentage datagrams lost, are presented as a function of the interval time for the direction Geneva -> Chicago. The respective show these data for the reverse direction.

UDP Stream Receiver Bandwidth Geneva -> Chicago
.    UDP receiver bandwidth for the direction Geneva -> Chicago as a function of the interval time. Plot traces are representing the total bandwidth sum and the individual stream results.

UDP Stream Datagrams Lost Geneva -> Chicago
.    Percentage UDP datagrams lost for the direction Geneva -> Chicago as a function of the interval time. Plot traces are representing the average percentage datagrams lost and the individual stream results.

UDP Stream Receiver Bandwidth Chicago -> Geneva
.    UDP receiver bandwidth for the direction Chicago -> Geneva as a function of the interval time. Plot traces are representing the total bandwidth sum and the individual stream results.

UDP Stream Datagrams Lost Chicago -> Geneva
.    Percentage UDP datagrams lost for the direction Chicago -> Geneva as a function of the interval time. Plot traces are representing the average percentage datagrams lost and the individual stream results.


From the the following can be concluded:

Long Duration TCP Tests


Also at November 4, 2002 long duration, bi-directional TCP bulk data transfer tests were executed, but in contradiction with the UDP tests only one stream in the direction w01gva-ge-0 <-> w03chi-ge-0. After these tests it appeared that interface -ge-1 in Chicago was preferable, because it had been used as default route to the Geneva hosts. Also here a test time had been used of 3600 s with a periodic bandwidth report each 20 s. A TCP window size of 16 Mbyte had been used.


In the following figures the TCP throughput has been given as a function of the interval time. shows these data for the direction Geneva -> Chicago and for the reverse direction.

TCP Throughput Geneva -> Chicago
.    TCP throughput for the direction Geneva -> Chicago as a function of the window size.

TCP Throughput Chicago -> Geneva
.    TCP throughput for the direction Chicago -> Geneva as a function of the window size.


From the the following conclusions can be drawn:

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