<< | Force10 - 6509 - AR5 Loop | | | ^ | Table of Contents | | | UDP Tests | > | | | SL - ASP Itanium Tests | >> |
The goal of the TCP tests was to get an impression about the performance of the site local loop Force10 - Cisco 6509 - AR5 loop. As had already been mentioned in the "Performed Experiments" section, the removing of an intrinsic 8 Gbits/s bottleneck in the Cisco 6509 by an upgrade of this switch will be investigated. Also the effect of some Web100 Linux kernel parameter settings will be shown. Also the effect of MTU settings will be investigated.
As mentioned in the "Setup" section, The DAS-2 cluster nodes have been separated into two VLAN's. TCP flows have been generated between cluster nodes pairs, located in both VLAN's that have been generated with the Iperf V. 1.6.5 traffic generator. Because the goal in these tests was to measure the performance of the route, each flow had been generated between a single source and destination host. The TCP tests has been executed as a function of the # source - destination node pairs, the # parallel flows per node pair (generated by Iperf using the pthread library) and the TCP window size which will be varied such that the sum of the TCP window over the parallel flows per node pair will be kept constant. This makes it possible to able to compare the effect of the # parallel flows per node pair. Due to the small round-trip it can be expected that the effect of TCP window size variation will be limited.
In the subsections below TCP throughput results will be presented for the situations described above in the following order:
To be able to register the traffic reliable in the SNMP counters of the network equipment, also a TCP test using flows with a duration of 30 min. have been executed:
In this subsection results will be presented of TCP tests that had been executed
under the circumstances that the Cisco 6509 still was constrained with an
internal bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s. In these
Web100 kernel parameters has been defined
such that the receive and send buffer sizes are no longer automatically adjusted
to the congestion window (cwnd
). This can be done by setting the
pseudo file system entries
to zero. Their default value is
one. Alternatively the command
sysctl -w net.ipv4.web100_rbufmode=0
could be run.
The TCP throughput tests were performed as they have been described in the "Description" section above. These tests had been executed with 1 to 11 node pairs (at that moment the maximum available number) and with 1 to 10 parallel flows per node pair. The used MTU was 1500 Bytes. In the plots of these TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and of the # parallel flows per node pair have been presented for window sizes of 32, 64, 128 and 256 KBytes.
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 32 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The socket buffer resizing had been switched off in the Web100 kernel. MTU: 1500 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 64 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The socket buffer resizing had been switched off in the Web100 kernel. MTU: 1500 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 128 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The socket buffer resizing had been switched off in the Web100 kernel. MTU: 1500 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 256 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The socket buffer resizing had been switched off in the Web100 kernel. MTU: 1500 Bytes. |
A remarkable result from this test is the low achieved bandwidth for TCP windows ≤ 64 KByte ( ).
In the the results of equivalent tests are presented as in the previous subsection, but here a MTU of 8176 Bytes has been used.
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 32 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The socket buffer resizing had been switched off in the Web100 kernel. MTU: 8176 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 64 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The socket buffer resizing had been switched off in the Web100 kernel. MTU: 8176 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 128 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The socket buffer resizing had been switched off in the Web100 kernel. MTU: 8176 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 256 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The socket buffer resizing had been switched off in the Web100 kernel. MTU: 8176 Bytes. |
From the there follows that there is no improvement compared with the experiments where a MTU of 1500 Bytes has been used (). To check if these low throughput values have been caused by the Web100 kernel parameter settings for the receive and send buffer sizes, the TCP tests will be repeated with the default Linux kernel resize settings. In the
In this subsection equivalent results will be presented as in the previous two subsections without buffer resizing with MTU values of 1500 and 8176 Bytes, but here the default Linux (and Web100) buffer resizing mechanisms will be used with an MTU of 1500 Bytes. In the plots of these TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and of the # parallel flows per node pair have been presented for window sizes of 32, 64, 128 and 256 KBytes.
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 32 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 1500 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 64 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 1500 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 128 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 1500 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 256 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 1500 Bytes. |
When these results are compared with those from the previous two subsections, where the socket buffer resizing has been switched off for MTU values of 1500 and 8176 Bytes (), there follows that switching off the buffer resizing appeared to be a disadvantage for these short round-trip times, although it might be beneficial for longer round-trip times. In the sequel of these tests the default buffer resizing will be used.
In the next subsection the MTU will be set to 8192 Bytes to check if that would lead to a higher throughput.
In this subsection equivalent results will be presented as in the previous section, but here with an MTU of 8192 Bytes. In the plots of these TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and of the # parallel flows per node pair have been presented for window sizes of 32, 64, 128 and 256 KBytes.
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 32 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 8192 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 64 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 8192 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 128 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 8192 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 256 KBytes. There was an intrinsic bottleneck of 8 Gbits/s at the 6509 switch. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 8192 Bytes. |
When these results are compared with those from the previous section, where a MTU value of 1500 Bytes has been used (), there follows that the larger MTU used here does indeed lead to a slight performance improvement.
In this subsection the results of TCP tests will be shown that were executed after the intrinsic bottleneck of the Cisco 6509 had been removed by an upgrade and from the network point of view there was no limitation anymore to achieve the provided bandwidth of 10 Gbits/s.
As in the previous subsections, the TCP tests had been executed as a function of the # source - destination node pairs, the # parallel flows per node pair and the TCP window size which had been varied such that the sum of the TCP window over the parallel flows per node pair will be kept constant. In these tests 5 to 12 node pairs (one extra node pair came available compared with the tests before) had been used and 1 to 10 parallel flows per node pair. The used MTU was 8192 Bytes. In the these plots have been presented for window sizes of 32, 64, 128 and 256 KBytes.
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 32 KBytes. There was no bottleneck in the network equipment anymore in relation with the provided bandwidth of 10 Gbits/s. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 8192 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 64 KBytes. There was no bottleneck in the network equipment anymore in relation with the provided bandwidth of 10 Gbits/s. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 8192 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 128 KBytes. There was no bottleneck in the network equipment anymore in relation with the provided bandwidth of 10 Gbits/s. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 8192 Bytes. |
. | Sum TCP throughput values as a function of the # node pairs and the # parallel flows per node pair. The sum of the TCP window size, taken over the # parallel flows per node pair, was 256 KBytes. There was no bottleneck in the network equipment anymore in relation with the provided bandwidth of 10 Gbits/s. The default socket buffer resizing mechanisms had been used. MTU: 8192 Bytes. |
From the there follows that the provided bandwidth could well be reached. That is also the case with 11 node pairs, the # node pairs that were available for the upgrade of the 6509 switch. None of the network and host equipment seems to be a bottleneck with the topology used in these tests.
To be able to register the traffic reliable in the SNMP counters of the network equipment, also a TCP test with flows lasting for 30 min. have been executed. These tests had been executed after the upgrade of the 6509 switch. Twelve node pairs had been used with a single flow per node pair using a TCP window of 128 KBytes. The MTU was 8192 bytes. In the bandwidth values are listed for the individual flows and for their sum.
Flow [#] |
Bandwidth [Mbits/s] |
Flow [#] |
Bandwidth [Mbits/s] |
1 | 789 | 7 | 846 |
2 | 713 | 8 | 802 |
3 | 841 | 9 | 843 |
4 | 856 | 10 | 851 |
5 | 843 | 11 | 825 |
6 | 765 | 12 | 758 |
Sum | 9732 |
. | Bandwidth of the individual flows between 12 node pairs and their sum. The duration of the flows was 30 min. No bottlenecks were involved, so the provided bandwidth was 10 Gbits/s. MTU: 8192 Bytes. |
In the corresponding SNMP registration is presented from SURFnet at the interface of the 6509 switch to which the Force10 switch has been connected. Please note that the 30 min. TCP tests had been started at 11:28.
. | SNMP registration from SURFnet at the interface of the 6509 switch to which the Force10 switch has been connected. It was taken during the 30 min. TCP tests from which the results have been listed in . These tests had been started at 11:28. |
In a maximum bandwidth of 9.8 Gbits/s has been registered. In the sum of the bandwidth values is 9.7 Gbits/s. Both values are in good agreement with each other.
From the TCP tests presented above, the following conclusions can be drawn:
<< | Force10 - 6509 - AR5 Loop | | | ^ | Table of Contents | | | UDP Tests | > | | | SL - ASP Itanium Tests | >> |