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UDP Bulk Tests


Below the results of executed UDP bulk tests will be displayed. Also in these tests the Iperf V. 1.6.5 traffic generator will be used. The UDP bulk tests have been executed as a function of the shaping bandwidth and of the # parallel flows. The UDP tests have been executed in both directions, also in the directions with and without rate limiting.


In the following plots the sum UDP client and server bandwidth values, taken over the # parallel flows, has been displayed as a function of the sum shaping bandwidth, also taken over the # parallel flows, and as a function of those # parallel flows. The duration of each flow was 60 s. the sum client and server bandwidth values were taken over the final bandwidth values of the single flows. In the client bandwidth is presented for the direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight, while the server bandwidth for that direction is shown in . In the client bandwidth is displayed for the reverse direction StarLight -> Amsterdam Science Park and in the server bandwidth for that direction.

Cln BW; SL -> ASP; Rate Limit
.    Sum UDP client bulk bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, as a function of the sum shaping bandwidth, also taken over the # parallel flows, and of the # parallel flows for the direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight.

Svr BW; SL -> ASP; Rate Limit
.    Sum UDP server bulk bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, as a function of the sum shaping bandwidth, also taken over the # parallel flows, and of the # parallel flows for the direction with rate limiting Amsterdam Science Park -> StarLight.

Cln BW; ASP -> SL; No Rate Limit
.    Sum UDP client bulk bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, as a function of the sum shaping bandwidth, also taken over the # parallel flows, and of the # parallel flows for the direction without rate limiting StarLight -> Amsterdam Science Park.

Svr BW; ASP -> SL; No Rate Limit
.    Sum UDP server bulk bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, as a function of the sum shaping bandwidth, also taken over the # parallel flows, and of the # parallel flows for the direction without rate limiting StarLight -> Amsterdam Science Park.

Below a different view at the data has been offered enlarged with information about the # packet lost. In the following figures the UDP sum server bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, and the total # packet lost for all parallel flows have been displayed as a function of the sum client bandwidth (also taken over the # parallel flows) for both directions StarLight <-> Amsterdam Science Park. In the these results have been displayed for 1, 2, ..., 8 parallel flows.

Svr BW / P Lost; 1 Flow

.    Sum UDP server bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, and the total # packet lost for all parallel flows have been displayed as a function of the sum client bandwidth (also taken over the # parallel flows) using one parallel flow.

Svr BW / P Lost; 2 Flows

.    Sum UDP server bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, and the total # packet lost for all parallel flows have been displayed as a function of the sum client bandwidth (also taken over the # parallel flows) using two parallel flows.

Svr BW / P Lost; 3 Flows

.    Sum UDP server bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, and the total # packet lost for all parallel flows have been displayed as a function of the sum client bandwidth (also taken over the # parallel flows) using three parallel flows.

Svr BW / P Lost; 4 Flows

.    Sum UDP server bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, and the total # packet lost for all parallel flows have been displayed as a function of the sum client bandwidth (also taken over the # parallel flows) using four parallel flows.

Svr BW / P Lost; 5 Flows

.    Sum UDP server bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, and the total # packet lost for all parallel flows have been displayed as a function of the sum client bandwidth (also taken over the # parallel flows) using five parallel flows.

Svr BW / P Lost; 6 Flows

.    Sum UDP server bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, and the total # packet lost for all parallel flows have been displayed as a function of the sum client bandwidth (also taken over the # parallel flows) using six parallel flows.

Svr BW / P Lost; 7 Flows

.    Sum UDP server bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, and the total # packet lost for all parallel flows have been displayed as a function of the sum client bandwidth (also taken over the # parallel flows) using seven parallel flows.

Svr BW / P Lost; 8 Flows

.    Sum UDP server bandwidth, taken over the # parallel flows, and the total # packet lost for all parallel flows have been displayed as a function of the sum client bandwidth (also taken over the # parallel flows) using eight parallel flows.

Show also the plots from the as in a new browser window.


From the UDP bulk tests presented in the the following conclusions can be drawn:

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