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Sites IPP - FOM - UU
Below a description of the participating sites for the particular setup
IPP - FOM - UU will be given. The same titles are used as in the Web
pages displaying the results. The following hosts are used here:
- IPP; bandwidth: 10 Mbit/s; location: Jülich.
This host is situated at the ``Institut für
Plasmaphysik'', ``Forschungszentrum Jülich''. The IPP will
participate in the remote participation services, discussed in
this report.
- ZELAS; bandwidth: 10 Mbit/s; location: Jülich.
This host is situated at the ``Central Electronics
Laboratory'', FZJ. This host has been add to make a comparison
possible with the host at the IPP and to be able to measure
the inluences local net congestion.
- ZAM; bandwidth: 100 Mbit/s; location: Jülich.
This host is situated at the ``Zentralinstitut für
Angewandte Mathematik'', FZJ. It is situated near the router
and has a larger bandwidth available than the IPP host. Hence
its participation in the tests.
- RUS; bandwidth: 10 Mbit/s; location: Stuttgart.
This host is situated at the ``Rechenzentrum der
Universität Stuttgart''. It has been add to check for
congestion at the ``Deutsche Forschungsnetz'' (DFN).
- SARA; bandwidth: 100 Mbit/s; location: Amsterdam.
This host is situated at the ``Academic Computing Services
Amsterdam''. It is situated near the backbone of the Dutch
SURFnet network.
- FOM; bandwidth: 10 Mbit/s; location: Nieuwegein.
This host is situated at the ``FOM-Institute for Plasma
Physics''. The FOM is also a participant in the remote
participation services.
- UU-36; bandwidth: 100Mbit/s; location Utrecht.
This host is situated at the ``Institute for Computational
Physics'', Utrecht University.
The topology of the network between these sites is shown in
figure 2.
Topology sites participating in the net performance
Next: Measurements IPP - FOM - UU
Up: Net Performance Measurements IPP -
Previous: Description
Hans Blom