Nick Bezhanishvili 

Postal address
Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 107
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Email: N.Bezhanishvili AT delete this part
Office: F.102




President of the Dutch Association for Logic and Philosophy of the Exact Sciences (VvL)

Director of the Master of Logic

Managing Editor of the Journal of Logic, Language and Information

Member of the editorial board of Mathematical Logic Quarterly

Member of the editorial board of the FoLLI subline of LNCS

Co-organizer of the LLAMA Seminar ILLC, University of Amsterdam.

Co-organizer of the Tbilisi Autumn of Logic, Tbilisi, Georgia, 9-25 September, 2020.

PC chair of Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees 2020 LATD 2020 Tbilisi, Georgia, 14-18 September, 2020.

Co-organizer of the ToLo VII, Tbilisi, Georgia, 21-25 September, 2020.

Co-organizer of the SYSMICS Summer School, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 22 - 26 August, 2018.

Chair of the Organizing Committee of Syntax meets Semantics 2019, Amsterdam, 21 - 25 January, 2019.

PC member of ECAI 2020, CMCS 2020, TbiLLC 2019, WoLLIC 2019, TACL 2019, SYSMICS 2019, AWPL-IV, M4M 2017, TACL 2017, TbiLLC 2017, SYSMICS 2016, ALCOP 2016, TbiLLC 2015, TACL 2015, AiML 2014, MFPS 2013, TbiLLC 2013, AiML 2012

Current PhD Students

Rodrigo Almeida (ILLC, Univerisity of Amsterdam)

Soeren Knudstorp (co-supervised with Maria Aloni, ILLC, Univerisity of Amsterdam)

Qian Chen (co-supervised with Fenrong Liu, Tsinghua University)

Simon Lemal (co-supervised with Bruno Teheux, University of Luxembourg)

Former PhD Students

6. Iris van der Giessen (co-supervised with Rosalie Iemhoff at Utrecht Univesity). Thesis entitled: Uniform Interpolation and Admissible Rules: Proof-theoretic investigation for (intuitionistic) modal logics. (Defence date: 2 November 2022).

5. Gianluca Grilletti (co-supervised with Floris Roelofsen and Ivano Ciardelli). Thesis entitled: Questions and Quantification: A study of first order inquisitive logic. (Defence date: 23 November 2020).

4. Frederik Moellerstroem Lauridsen, (co-supervised with Yde Venema). Thesis entitled: Cuts and Completions: Algebraic aspects of structural proof theory. (Defence date: 10 October 2019).

3. Julia Ilin, (co-supervised with Yde Venema). Thesis entitled: Filtration revisited: lattices of stable non-classical logics. (Defence date: 15 June 2018).

2. Aybuke Ozgun, (co-supervised with Hans van Ditmarsch and Sonja Smets). Thesis entitled: Evidence in Epistemic Logic: A Topological Perspective. (Defence date: 4 October 2017).

1. Sumit Sourabh, (co-supervised with Alessandra Palmigiano and Yde Venema). Thesis entitled: Correspondence and Canonicity in Non-Classical Logic. (Defence date: 9 September 2015).

Former Master's Students

38. Arun Ganguly (co-supervised with Balder ten Cate), Master's thesis entitled: Characterizing formulas using Post's lattice, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 28 August 2024.

37. David Quinn Alvarez (co-supervised with Rodrigo Almeida), Master's thesis entitled: The temporal Heyting calculus: An algebraic, topological, and frame-theoretic analysis, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 26 August 2024.

36. Brendan Dufty (co-supervised with Jim de Groot), Master's thesis entitled: The many modalities of Intuitionistic Conditional Logic: Duality, filtrations, and a Goldblatt-Thomason Theorem, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 26 August 2024.

35. Gilan Takapui (co-supervised with Wim Veldman), Master's thesis entitled: General topological semantics for provability logics, Department of Mathematics, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2024..

34. Niels Vooijs (co-supervised with David Fernandez Duque and Wim Veldman), Master's thesis entitled: Modal Degrees, canonical approximations and dynamic topological logic: Investigations into completeness for modal logics, Department of Mathematics, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2024.

33. Kirill Kopnev (co-supervised with Vincenzo Ciancia), Master's thesis entitled: Dynamic logics of polyhedra and their application in 3D modelling, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 25 August 2023.

32. Simon Lemal (co-supervised with Tommaso Moraschini), Master's thesis entitled: Hereditary structural completeness of weakly transitive modal logics, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 21 August 2023.

31. Yunsong Wang (co-supervised with Lev Beklemishev), Master's thesis entitled: General topological frames for polymodal provability logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 4 July 2023.

30. Maurice Dekker (co-supervised with David Gabelaia), Master's thesis entitled: Polyhedral semantics of modal logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 30 June 2023.

29. Cheng Liao, Master's thesis entitled: Stable canonical rules for intuitionistic modal logics, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 23 June 2023.

28. Rodrigo Almeida (co-supervised with Tommaso Moraschini), Master's thesis entitled: Polyatomic logics and generalised Blok-Esakia theory with applications to orthologic and KTB, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 20 September 2022. Received The Dutch Logic Association's Best Thesis Award.

27. Soeren Knudstorp (co-supervised with Johan van Benthem), Master's thesis entitled: Modal information logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 29 August 2022. Received The Dutch Logic Association's Best Thesis Award.

26. Anton Chernev (co-supervised with Tommaso Moraschini), Master's thesis entitled: Degrees of FMP in extensions of bi-intuitionistic logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 11 July 2022.

25. James Carr (co-supervised with Tommaso Moraschini), Master's thesis entitled: Hereditary Structural Completeness over K4: Rybakov's Theorem Revisited, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 7 March 2022.

24. Lydia Tasiou (co-supervised with Tommaso Moraschini), Master's thesis entitled: Profinite bi-Heyting algebras, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 19 November 2021.

23. Antonio Maria Cleani, Master's thesis entitled: Translational embeddings via stable canonical rules, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 20 September 2021.

22. Quentin Gougeon (co-supervised with David Fernandez Duque), Master's thesis entitled: The expressive power of derivational modal logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 17 September 2021.

21. Anna Dmitrieva (co-supervised with Tommaso Moraschini), Master's thesis entitled: Positive modal logic beyond distributivity: duality, preservation and completeness, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 27 August 2021. Received The Dutch Logic Association's Best Thesis Award.

20. Damiano Fornasiere (co-supervised with Tommaso Moraschini), Master's thesis entitled: Representable forests and diamond systems, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 16 April 2021. Received The Italian Logic Association's Best Thesis Award.

19. Clelia Giaci (co-supervised with Silvio Ghilardi), Master's thesis entitled: Strong completeness in the dense interior semantics, Department of Mathematics, University of Milan. Defence date: 12 April 2021.

18. Miguel Martins (co-supervised with Tommaso Moraschini), Master's thesis entitled: Bi-Goedel algebras and co-trees, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 15 March 2021.

17. Sebastian Melzer, Master's thesis entitled: Canonical formulas for the lax logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 17 January 2020.

16. Frank Westers (co-supervised with Alexandru Baltag), Master's thesis entitled: Dynamic logics for model transformations, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 30 September 2020.

15. Leo Lobski (co-supervised with Chris Heunen), Master's thesis entitled: Quantum quirks, classical contexts: Towards a Bohrification of effect algebras, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 28 September 2020.

14. Thijs Benjamins (co-supervised with Tommaso Moraschini), Master's thesis entitled: Locally finite varieties of Heyting algebras of width 2, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 10 July 2020.

13. Lucia Landi (co-supervised with Silvio Ghilardi), Master's thesis entitled: Existentially closed contact algebras, Department of Mathematics, University of Milan. Defence date: 7 April 2020.

12. Davide Quadrellaro (co-supervised with Gianluca Grilletti), Master's thesis entitled: Lattices of DNA-logics and algebraic semantics of inquisitive logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 13 September 2019. Received The Italian Logic Association's Best Thesis Award.

11. Sam Adam-Day, Master's thesis entitled: Polyhedral completeness in intermediate and modal logics, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 2 July 2019.

10. Tim Henke, Master's thesis entitled: The van Benthem characterisation theorem for descriptive models, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 2 July 2019.

9. Saul Fernandez Gonzalez (co-supervised with Alexandru Baltag), Master's thesis entitled: Generic models for topological evidence logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 20 September 2018.

8. Jim de Groot (co-supervised with Yde Venema), Master's thesis entitled: Coalgebraic geometric logic, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 27 June 2018.

7. Jana Haenen (co-supervised with Frederik Lauridsen), Master's thesis entitled: A Goedel-style translation from positive calculus into strict implication logic, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 22 May 2018.

6. Guillaume Massas, Master's thesis entitled: Possibility spaces, Q-completions and Rasiowa-Sikorski lemmas for non-classical logics, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 21 December 2016.

5. Olim Tuyt (co-supervised with Sebastian Enqvist), Master's thesis entitled: Canonical rules on neighbourhood frames, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 13 December 2016.

4. Thomas Santoli (co-supervised with Yde Venema), Master's thesis entitled: Logics for compact Hausdorff spaces via de Vries duality, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 3 June 2016.

3. Frederik Moellerstroem Lauridsen (co-supervised with Silvio Ghilardi), Master's thesis entitled: One-step algebras and frames for modal and intuitionistic logics, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 26 August 2015.

2. Aybuke Ozgun (co-supervised with Sonja Smets), Master's thesis entitled: Topological models for belief and belief revision, ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 21 August 2013.

1. Gaelle Fontaine (co-supervised with Yde Venema), Master's thesis entitled: Axiomatization of ML and Cheq , ILLC, University of Amsterdam. Defence date: 10 November 2006.