is a course about modern computational methods for the simulation of
many-body systems in condensed matter physics, including systems from
classical statistical physics and quantum many-body problems. Besides the
theoretical understanding of these algorithms and the physics of many-body
systems an important part of the course is to gain practical experience in
computational physics by implementing algorithms (programming) and
performing simulations.
Recommended for people who:
would like to dive into the fascinating field
of computational physics
would like to learn about state-of-the-art
methods relevant in many areas in Science (also in non-academic areas)
intend to do a computationally oriented project
in future (e.g. Master- or PhD-thesis)
would like to strengthen their understanding
in many-body physics
enjoy programming and would like to get more
practice in programming (we use Python in the exercises)
Monte Carlo
methods for classical spin systems (Metropolis algorithm, cluster
algorithms and flat-histogram methods)
study of first and second order phase transitions in magnetic systems
methods for the quantum one-body problem
many-body problems (electronic structure problem) and effective lattice
models (e.g. spin chains and Hubbard model)
Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory
Exact diagonalization of quantum lattice models
Monte Carlo and the negative sign problem
The density
matrix renormalization group and tensor network methods
programming language we will use Python
We will do
a short introduction/warm-up in the first week
This course (6EC) takes place in block 5 (semester 2), see course
catalogue or datanose.