SIFT and Beyond

With the enormous succes of SIFT came a lot of papers that tried to improve upon it (and to circumvent the patent on SIFT).

Viola and Jones Face Detection

  • Not really a replacement for SIFT as it detects faces (but uses techniques that became famous, e.g. in SURF).
  • V&J (pdf)

Speeded up Robust Features

Local Binary Patterns

  • An alternative for the descriptor.
  • The idea of using gradients taking to the extreme
  • LBP (wikipedia)


  • An alternative for the descriptor.
  • The idea of using gradients taking to the extreme
  • Brief (pdf)


  • a way to detect keypoints in images based on corner detection
  • adhoc way to define and detect corners…
  • can be used in scale space to detect scale invariant keypoints (variation AGAST).
  • pdf



  • LBP like but with a retina like sampling of the descriptor neighborhood
  • Brisk (pdf)


  • Yet another LBP like descriptor
  • Again refering to the human eye sampling pattern
  • (pdf)

Deep Convolutional Descriptor Learning

  • Of course…
  • web
  • pdf
  • Siamese network in learning, single network when running