Model Theory 2019/2020: grading
General information about credits etc:
- The course is worth 6 ECTS.
- The grading is on the basis of 6 weekly homework assignments
and a final exam.
- Your final grade is calculated as the weighted average of these grades:
the homework /exam ratio is XX/YY;
to calculate the average of your homework, (one of) your homework(s) with
the lowest grade will be disregarded;
an additional proviso is that you need to score at least 50/100 points
on the exam.
More specific information about homework and grading:
- Unless explicitly specified otherwise, you are allowed to collaborate
with your fellow students, on the following conditions:
- you can discuss the exercises together, but you have to write down
the solution individually;
- you must explicitly write on your solution with whom you have been
working together;
- you can only work in small groups of at most three people;
- distributing your solutions before the deadline is not permitted.
- Deadlines for submission are strict; this applies in particular
to the condition that homework should be handed in at the beginning
of class.
- Homework handed in after the deadline may not be taken into
At the very least, points will be subtracted for late submission.
- When writing your solutions to exercises, be succinct. In particular:
- unless specifically asked otherwise, never prove statements that are
explicitly mentioned in the book (or other literature); simply refer to
these results if you use them;
- in the case of a routine argument, you do not need to go into all the
technical details;
- in case of proofs by induction on the complexity of formulas, one or
two cases will usually suffice.
- In case you think there is a problem with one of the exercises, contact
the lecturer immediately.
Homework sets:
Here are the homework sets:
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