Core features:


Interface to develop and port existing Application in C/C++, JAVA, and python.


Provide streaming facilities between applications executed on resource geographically distributed


Support for legacy application


Support for remote graphical output


NOTE: This software has been further developed in the following project VL-e










The Virtual Laboratory Amsterdam project (VLAM-G) is funded by the ICESKIS II research program. The VLAM-G project aims at developing a platform allowing scientists working at geographically distributed sites to use all the resources (hardware and software) available at all sites to perform their experiments.

This project involves different topics described in more detail on the VLAM-G Home Page . How to use the VLAM-G toolkit



Research on Data-Grid


The grid technology is an emerging technology, it aims at providing services to ease the construction of distributed systems involving heterogeneous components, located at different organizations and using various security infrastructure. At the heart of this technology stands a challenging problem related to the modeling of information contained in the sets of data considered in grid-applications. So far, an extensive work has been done to provide grid-users with services allowing them to represent and manipulate files containing raw data. However, this does not seem to fulfill the requirements of a number of grid-application. The concept of the data-grid introduced to deal with the data-manipulation on the grid has to be extended. It is the goal of VLAM-G project to study the methods and techniques needed to support the representation of the information contained in the data sets. In the first phase of this project an extensive study of the state of art of the data-grid has to be done [1]. Depending on the result of this study, we have to decide if the technology currently used in the grid-technology is powerful enough to support the representation of data. In the second phase a model for representing a information on the grid has to proposed and the necessary tools to integrate this model within the grid-technology have to be developed. Our work will be based on Globus toolkit, which is becoming the de facto standard in the field of distributed computing (Grid computing) [2].

Keywords: Database, Directory Service, LDAP, X500 protocol, Globus toolkit


A. Belloum, D. Groep, and C. Garita "VLAM-G and the Datagrid" pdf file



Collaborative systems on the grid


The grid technology offers the possibility to use geographically distributed hardware and software resources as if they were part of your local systems. For the scientific community, grid technology offers the computation power needed to perform very intensive CPU applications. Nowadays, a number of research institution all over the world are collaborating these challenging scientific problems. If the grid technology allows the research institution to use one another computation facility; it does not ease in any way the collaboration of work of these institutions. Within the VLAM-G project, we aim at coupling the grid-technology with research work that has been done in the area of collaborative systems. The VLAM-G project targets a wide range of end-users within the scientific community, the collaboration mechanisms needed for a certain experiment in a specific scientific domain may be completely different form any other ones. It thus important to select the appropriate collaboration mechanism for each of the experiment considered in the VLAM-G project.

The development of the VLAM-G collaborative system has to be integrated within the VLAM-G grid. A certain amount of interactions is thus needed with the grid components, such interaction has to be thought carefully since it brings together the two technologies we are interested in namely: the grid and the collaborative systems.

Keywords: groupware, virtual organization, grid-technology


A. Belloum "VLAM-G Collaborative System" pdf file


A Front-end for the grid


The interaction of the end-users with the grid technology is an interesting topic to investigate. If for computer scientists it is easy to interact with the grid via the command line interface, the later is far from being obvious and strait forward to a large number of computer users. It is likely that an interface based on graphics will be more appropriate. The VLAM-G front-end module has to combine commodity technologies that promote ease of use and reuse if code in desktop environment with the grid technology that emphasize effective operation in large scale, multi-institutional, wide area environment. The VLAM-G front-end aims at bringing together two different worlds, the world of scalability and high performance computing and the world of desktop presentation and interaction.

Keywords: Human-computer interaction, PSE, grid-technology, Java


List of The working Documents (subject to frequent changes)

The Technical reports listed below tackle different topics investigated in the VLAM-G project. They reflect the main components of the VLAM-G-AM namely: the Run Time system (TN01), the VLAM-G Collaborative System (TN02), the VLAM-G-AM Front End (TN03), and the VLAM-G data handling system (TN04). These reports can be read in any order for someone who knows a bit about the VLAM-G Abstract Machine, otherwise it is suggested to the reader to start by the TN03 which describes the VLAM-G-AM Front-End, the latter describes not only how the VLAM-G end-users will interact with the system, but it shows also the interaction between the main components of the VLAM-G-AM.

A. Belloum and D. Groep"The Virtual Lab-AM Requirements" UvA/VLAM-G-AM/TN00

A. Belloum "The Virtual Lab-AM RTS" UvA/VLAM-G-AM/TN01

A. Belloum "The Virtual Lab-AM Collaborative System" UvA/VLAM-G-AM/TN02

A. Belloum "The Virtual Lab-AM Front-End" UvA/VLAM-G-AM/TN03

A. Belloum, D. Groep, and C.R. Garita "The Virtual Lab Data-Grid Handling System" UvA/VLAM-G-AM/TN04

A.W. van Halderen "VLAM-AM RTS API (Draft)" UvA/VLAM-G-AM/TN05

E. Kaletas, Z. Hendrikse, D. Groep, and A. Belloum "VLAM-G Kernel DB: Database Model" UvA/VLAM-G-AM/TN06

" The Virtual Lab. Manuals (drafts)"click here


List of Publications

H. Afsarmanesh, R. Belleman, A. S. Z. Belloum, et al "VLAM-G: A Grid Based Virtual Laboratory" Submitted to the Special Issue on Grid Computing (Scientific Programming Journal)

A. Belloum, Z. Hendrikse, D. Groep et al. "The VLAM-G Abstract Machine: a Data and process Handling System on the Grid" In the proceedings of the HPCN2001 conference


List of Presentations

A. Belloum and D. Groep E. Kaletas, et al "The VLAM-G Abstract Machine" first Grid Forum, 4 - 9 March 2001, Amsterdam. Slides of the presentation

A. Belloum,  D. Groep E. Kaletas, Z. Hendrikse, et al. "The VLAM-G project" ICT-Kenniscongres, 6 - 7 September 2001, Den Haag, The Netherlands. Poster


Research on the Grid Technology

Workflow & Grid Middleware Group (WGM)

DB Manager

Gt2 based Engine