
The aim of the ‘Virtual Laboratory for e-Science’ project is to bridge the gap between the technology push of the high performance networking and the Grid and the application pull of a wide range of scientific experimental applications. It will provide generic functionalities that support a wide class of specific e-Science application environments and set up an experimental infrastructure for the evaluation of the ideas.

VL-e (2004-2009)

Workflow & Grid Middleware Group (WGM)

VLAM-G, the Grid-based Virtual Laboratory AMsterdam, provides a science portal for distributed analysis in applied scientific research. It offers scientists the possibility to carry out their experiments in a familiar environment, where content and data are clearly separated. 

VLAM-G (2000-2004)

The JERA project focuses on the realization of a fault tolerant Distributed Web Service. 

JERA (1997-2000)