This course introduces some important aspects related Grid computing. The course focus area is the coordination of resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations. In the lab session, students learn some practical aspects related to Grid computing, and installing and configuring a Grid Middleware. The objective of this course is to give the students an overview on the Grid Technology. This course prepares the background for other Master Courses such as the “Grid Middleware course”





This course describes in detail the different components composing the Grid middleware namely: the security infrastructure, the information management, the data management and the Grid resource management. The course is project driven, lectures will be given throughout the course to introduce concepts, methodologies, and tools in all the domains involved in the design and the completion of the projects. At the end of the course, students will have acquired both the theoretical and the practical knowledge related to the design and deployment of complex heterogeneous, distributed Systems using grid technology







This course covers all the aspects related to the design and the engineering of complex Systems, networking, and process and information Management.


Introduction to Grid Computing (2005-2007)

Grid Middleware (2004)

System Design & Engineering Course (2003)

Workflow & Grid Middleware Group (WGM)