System Design & Engineering Course (2003)





Course 1: Introduction to Web Caching

Date: 24-02-2003


This introductory course gives an overview on the topic of Web Caching. It mainly states the reasons for Web Caching, points out the challenges, and briefly discusses some practical aspects of Web Caching. Some of the issues to be discussed in this course are further investigated in the next two courses.


Course material: part I (PPT file) and part II (PPT file)


Duane Wessels "Web Caching", O'Reilly first Edition, 2001.


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Course 2: Web Cache Management

Date: 27-02-2003


This course discusses some aspects of Web Caching modeling and introduces the Web cache model developed at the UvA. Among other topics discusses in this course we have: the cache replacement strategy and the cache coherency. A number of well known methods are compared based on the simulation results obtained using the Web cache model introduced

Keywords: Web Caching management, modeling,

Course material: part I (some notes) and part II (some notes)


A. Belloum A.J.H Peddemors and L.O. Hertzberger ``JERA: A Scalable Web Server'' Conference PDPDA'98, Las Vegas, July 1998. [PS file]

A. Belloum and L.O Hertzberger ``Dealing with One-Timer Documents in Web Caching'' Conference EUROMICRO'98, vastega, August 1998, Sweden. [PS file]

A. Belloum and and L.O. Hertzberger ``Replacement Strategies in Web Caching'' Conference ISIC/CIRA/ISAS'98, Gaithersburg, September 1998, Maryland USA. [PS file]


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Course 3: Distributed Web Caching

Date: 04-03-2003


This course discusses some research issues related to building a scalable distributed Cooperative Web Caching System. The course addresses namely the following issues: the reasons for building a collaboration, as well as some methods and techniques to automate a number of Web cache management. A practical example is discussed based on the work developed in the context of the JERA project


Course material: partI (some notes) and part II (not presented) (Presentation of the whole jera project in which the work on web caching has been developed)


A.Belloum, H. Muller, and L.O. Hertzberger. "A Scalable Federation of Web Servers" published in the World Wide Web Journal, volume 4, page 255-275, No.4 , 2001. [PDF file]

A.Belloum, E. Kaletas, H. Afsarmanash, and L.O. Hertzberger. "A Scalable Web Server Architecture" published in the World Wide Web Journal: Internet and Web Information systems, volume 5, page 5-23, No. 1, 2002. [PDF file]


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The Assignments:



The objective of the assignments is not to provide a complete overview of the targeted subject, it is rather aiming at teaching the students the art of summarizing a provided research work. The students are expected to state correctly the problem, describe the methods, techniques, and tool discussed in the given papers. Finally, they have to conclude on the results obtained, and the future directions.

List of the assignments: [PPT File]

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Workflow & Grid Middleware Group (WGM)

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