Introduction to Grid Computing





Course 1: Grid Middleware

                (Fundamentals of Grid Computing)

Course 2: Service Oriented Architecture & Web Service

Course 3: WS-Resource Framework

Course 4: Grid Security System

Course 5: Sun Cluster Grid Architecture

                (Sun Grid Engine Project)

Course 6: Data Grid System

Course 7: Unicore Project

Course 8: Legion Project

Course 9: Globus Project

Course 10: Knowledge Grid

Course 11: Information Grid 

Course 12: Data Grid

Course 13: Resource Management &

                   (Workflows in Grid Based system)




The content of this course has changed, the new content is published on the UvA Blackboard System, see the description in the UvA course Catalogue





Course 1: Grid Middleware “Fundamentals of Grid Computing”

Date: 05-01-2005

Description: The objective of this lecture is to introduce some of the basic concepts of the Grid Technology. Among other topics addressed in this lecture are the types of resource targeted by the Grid technology, the different categories of the users of the Grid, and the problems and the concerns of each category of users.

Keywords: Grid Technology, OGSA, WSRF

Course material: Slides [PPT]


V. Berstis, “Fundamentals of Grid Computing” IBM Redbooks paper

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Course 2: A service Oriented Architecture & Web Service Technology

Date: 07-01-2005

Description: The objective of this lecture is to discuss the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), why it is becoming important, in which context it can be used, and what are the main components composing its architecture. The lecture presents the Web service as a case study of the SOA.

Keywords: SOA, OGSA, WSRF,

Course material: Slides [PPT]


Paul A Moore “Characteristics of a Service Oriented Architecture”,

David S. Linthicum “12 Steps to Implementing a Service Oriented Architecture”

Dan Gisolfi “Web services architect, Part 1: An introduction to dynamic e-business”

Dan Gisolfi “Web services architect, Part 2: An introduction to dynamic e-business”

Sotomayor “Web service Tutorial”

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Course 3: WS-Resource Framework

Date: 12-01-2005

Description: The WS-Resource construct has been proposed as a means of expressing the relationship between stateful resources and Web services. In this lecture, we introduce here the WS-Resource framework, and discuss the set of proposed Web services specifications composing the WS-Resource approach. The specifications describe the means by which a view of the state of the resource is defined and associated with a Web services description, forming the overall type definition of a WS-Resource.

Keywords: WSRF, WS-ResourceProperties, WSResourceLifetime, WS-RenewableReferences, WS-ServiceGroup, and WS-BaseFaults

Course material: Slides [PPT]


Karl Czajkowski et al. “The WS-Resource Framework”

Ian Foster et al. “Modeling Stateful Resources with Web Services” 

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Course 4: The Grid Security System

Date: 14-01-2005

Description:.This course addresses the Security issues of the Grid Technology. For end-users, the primary requirement of the secure system is simplicity: Access to the virtual organization's resources should not be significantly different from access to the local organization's resources. There should be a single sign-on, where users need to log on only once to access all permitted resources. Programs running on a user's behalf should possess a subset of the user's rights and have access to the permitted resources. To support such a requirement the Grid security infrastructure must transparently interface. The course introduces the basic mechanisms on which the Grid security infrastructure is based. The course does not extensively explains standards security mechanisms such as the public security infrastruc

Keywords: PKI, Grid Credential, Multiple-security domains

Course material: Slides [PPT]


Randy Butler et al. "A National-Scale Authentication Infrastructure"

Ian Foster et al. "A Security Architecture for Computational Grids"

Von Welch et al. "Security for Grid Services"

Laura Pearlman et al. "A community Authorization Service for Group Collaboration"

Ian Foster et al. "Managing Security in High-Performance Distributed Computations"

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Course 5: The Sun Cluster Grid Architecture (Sun Grid Engine Project)

Date: 19-01-2005


Keywords: three-tier system architecture, multi-host queues,

Course material: Slides [PPT]


“Sun Cluster Grid Architecture” A technical white paper describing the foundation of Sun Grid Computing

Paulo Tibério Bulhões, Chansup Byun, Rick Castrapel & Omar Hassaine “N1TM Grid Engine 6 Features and Capabilities”

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Course 6: The Unicore Project

Date: 21-01-2005


Keywords: Job Abstraction object, Network job manager

Course material: slides [PPT]


UNICORE Plus Final Report Uniform Interface to Computing Resources

M. Romberg. The UNICORE architecture: Seamless access to distributed resources. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing HPDC-8, pages 287--293, Aug. 1999

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Course 7: The Legion Project

Date: 26-01-2005


Keywords: Object-based integrated system, top-down approach, and Grid OS

Course material: Slides [PPT]


A. S. Grimshaw, et al. “A philosophical and technical comparison of Legion and Globus”

Steve J. Chapin, et al.  “Resource Management in Legion”

Holly Dail et al.  “Application-Aware Scheduling of a Magnetohydrodynamics Application in the Legion Metasystem”


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Course 8: The Globus Project

Date: 28-01-2005


Keywords: low level functionality, bottom-up approach

Course material: Slides [PPT]


Joseph Bester et al. “GASS: A Data Movement and Access Service for Wide Area Computing Systems”

A. S. Grimshaw, et al. “A philosophical and technical comparison of Legion and Globus”

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Workflow & Grid Middleware Group (WGM)