Markers, present..
Friday started with preperations for the presentation of the robot-arm in action. Mostly this consisted of finishing this web-report and uploading the images, and the explanation of our emotions (as in, program-wise). Two examples of the final images in the GUI are:
"But why do I love you?"

"Verdrietig zeg je? Ik vind het nonsens!"

After the presentation, we will wrap everything up, with some last pictures and movies
In the end, the presentation went rather well. We succeeded in making a drawing of a heart and question mark, as by the sentence "But why do I love you?" [movie]. A few last remarks: the robot-arm should return to a safe state, which is easily implemented by editing, just before toRobot() is called. The clear-button in the GUI causes the system to think it's holding a black pencil, which it might not. Edit the clear-function in to retain the colorMode (also easy). The last remark is the unnecessary rasing of the robot-arm, when a new line is drawn from the same position as the old ending position. Check for this in the, where 'Point's are converted to 'GripperPosition's.