#include <PlayerSettings.h>
Inheritance diagram for PlayerSettings:
Definition at line 67 of file PlayerSettings.h.
This method initializes all client settings and adds these to the generic values class with the effect that they can referenced by their textual name. Definition at line 58 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References GenericValues::addSetting(), dBallConfThr, dClearBallDist, dClearBallOppMaxDist, dClearBallToSideAngle, dConeWidth, dDribbleAngThr, dFastPassEndSpeed, dFractionWaitNoSee, dFractionWaitSeeBegin, dFractionWaitSeeEnd, dMarkDistance, dMaxYPercentage, dPassEndSpeed, dPassExtraX, dPlayerConfThr, dPlayerDistTolerance, dPlayerHighConfThr, dPlayerWhenToKick, dPlayerWhenToTurnAngle, dShootRiskProbability, dStratAreaRadius, dTurnWithBallAngThr, dTurnWithBallFreezeThr, GENERIC_VALUE_DOUBLE, GENERIC_VALUE_INTEGER, iCyclesCatchWait, iInitialFormation, iPlayerWhenToIntercept, and iServerTimeOut. |
This method returns the confidence threshold below which ball information is assumed illegal.
Definition at line 166 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dBallConfThr. Referenced by Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), and WorldModel::getStrategicPosition(). |
This method returns the clear ball distance. When a clear ball is performed, the ball is aimed to a point just in front of the penalty area of the opponent. This method returns the distance before the penalty area to which the ball is aimed.
Definition at line 265 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dClearBallDist. Referenced by BasicPlayer::clearBall(). |
This method returns the distance in which opponents are taken into account when a clear ball is issued.
Definition at line 283 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dClearBallOppMaxDist. Referenced by BasicPlayer::clearBall(), and BasicPlayer::getShootPositionOnLine(). |
This method returns the minimum needed angle for a clear ball to the side.
Definition at line 300 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dClearBallToSideAngle. |
This method returns the cone width that is used to check for opponents when passing to a player. A pass is only performed when no opponents are in the cone. The cone is specified as the width to one side after distance 1. So for a value of 0.5 the cone angle equals 45 (22.5 to both sides).
Definition at line 320 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dConeWidth. Referenced by BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(). |
This method returns the number of cycles waited by the goalkeeper after he has catched the ball.
Definition at line 523 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References iCyclesCatchWait. Referenced by WorldModel::getStrategicPosition(). |
This method returns the threshold to determine when the agent turns towards the dribble direction when dribbling. When the global angle difference is larger than this value, the agent performs a turnWithBallTo.
Definition at line 563 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dDribbleAngThr. Referenced by BasicPlayer::dribble(), and BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(). |
This method returns the desired end speed for the ball when a fast pass is performed.
Definition at line 358 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dFastPassEndSpeed. Referenced by BasicPlayer::directPass(). |
This method returns the fraction of the simulation step that is waited before an action is sent to the server in case no see message will arrive in this cycle.
Definition at line 396 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dFractionWaitNoSee. Referenced by SenseHandler::setTimeSignal(). |
This method returns the fraction of the simulation step that is waited before an action is sent to the server in case the see message will arrive in the first half of the cycle.
Definition at line 418 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dFractionWaitSeeBegin. Referenced by SenseHandler::setTimeSignal(). |
This method returns the fraction of the simulation step that is waited before an action is sent to the server in case the see message will arrive in the second half of the cycle.
Definition at line 440 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dFractionWaitSeeEnd. Referenced by SenseHandler::setTimeSignal(), and WorldModel::updateAll(). |
This method returns the initial formation of the team.
Definition at line 624 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References iInitialFormation. Referenced by main(). |
This method returns the desired distance to an opponent which should be marked.
Definition at line 460 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dMarkDistance. |
This method returns the percentage of the field width. The corresponding y position is the maximum allowed y position for a player's strategic position.
Definition at line 642 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dMaxYPercentage. Referenced by WorldModel::getStrategicPosition(). |
This method returns the desired end speed for the ball when a normal pass is performed.
Definition at line 340 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPassEndSpeed. Referenced by BasicPlayer::directPass(), BasicPlayer::getEndSpeedForPass(), and BasicPlayer::leadingPass(). |
This method returns the x value that can be added to the position of a teammate when a leading pass to this teammate is performed.
Definition at line 377 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPassExtraX. |
This method returns the confidence threshold below which player information is assumed illegal
Definition at line 130 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerConfThr. Referenced by WorldModel::getClosestInSetTo(), WorldModel::getDirectionOfWidestAngle(), WorldModel::getFastestInSetTo(), WorldModel::getFirstEmptySpotInSet(), WorldModel::getFurthestInSetTo(), WorldModel::getNrInSetInCircle(), WorldModel::getNrInSetInCone(), WorldModel::getNrInSetInRectangle(), WorldModel::getSecondClosestInSetTo(), BasicPlayer::interceptClose(), WorldModel::isConfidenceGood(), WorldModel::iterateObjectNext(), WorldModel::logCoordInfo(), WorldModel::logDrawInfo(), WorldModel::logObjectInformation(), WorldModel::updateAfterSeeMessage(), WorldModel::updateAfterSenseMessage(), and WorldModel::updateRelativeFromGlobal(). |
This method returns the radius in which a player has to be to be mapped from unknown to known player
Definition at line 184 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerDistTolerance. Referenced by WorldModel::mapUnknownPlayers(), WorldModel::processNewObjectInfo(), and WorldModel::processUnsureHearInfo(). |
This method returns the confidence threshold above which player information is assumed very good.
Definition at line 148 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerHighConfThr. Referenced by WorldModel::isConfidenceVeryGood(). |
This method returns the maximal allowed number of cycles to intercept the ball. If it takes more cycles to intercept the ball, the ball is not intercepted.
Definition at line 245 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References iPlayerWhenToIntercept. Referenced by WorldModel::createInterceptFeatures(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), WorldModel::predictCommandToInterceptBall(), and WorldModel::predictNrCyclesToObject(). |
This method returns the percentage of the maximal acceleration in which case a kick should still be performed. This value is needed to determine whether the ball should be better positioned or should be kicked when the ball should be kicked hard. If it is possible to accelerate the ball with a higher percentage than the returned percentage the kick is performed, in all other cases the ball is positioned better.
Definition at line 225 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerWhenToKick. Referenced by BasicPlayer::kickTo(). |
This method returns the angle when a player determines to turn to a point first before moving towards it.
Definition at line 202 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerWhenToTurnAngle. Referenced by Player::deMeer5(), Player::deMeer5_goalie(), BasicPlayer::getActiveInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::getInterceptionPointBall(), BasicPlayer::interceptCloseGoalie(), and WorldModel::predictCommandTurnTowards(). |
This method returns the number of seconds before the server is assumed dead. When no message is received from the server for this amount of seconds, it is assumed that the server program has been closed and the agent will exits.
Definition at line 543 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References iServerTimeOut. Referenced by WorldModel::waitForNewInformation(). |
This method returns the minimum needed probability for the ball to enter the goal when a "risky" scoring attempt is performed. That is when an agent tries to score although the success rate is not very high, he will always shoot to a point in the goal where the probability that the ball will enter the goal is higher than the value returned by this method.
Definition at line 501 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dShootRiskProbability. |
This method returns the radius around the strategic position in which an optimal position is considered.
Definition at line 479 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dStratAreaRadius. |
This method returns the threshold to determine when the ball is kicked to another position in the turnWithBallTo skill. When the global angle difference is larger than this value, the ball is repositioned otherwise it is not.
Definition at line 585 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dTurnWithBallAngThr. Referenced by BasicPlayer::dribble(), and BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(). |
This method returns the threshold to determine when the ball is frozen in the turnWithBallTo skill. When the ball speed is larger than this value, the ball is frozen otherwise not
Definition at line 606 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dTurnWithBallFreezeThr. Referenced by BasicPlayer::dribble(), and BasicPlayer::outplayOpponent(). |
This method sets the confidence threshold below which ball information is assumed illegal
Definition at line 175 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dBallConfThr. |
This method sets the clear ball distance.
Definition at line 274 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dClearBallDist. |
This method sets the distance in which opponents are taken into account when a clear ball is issued.
Definition at line 292 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dClearBallOppMaxDist. |
This method sets the minimum needed angle for a clear ball to the side.
Definition at line 308 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dClearBallToSideAngle. |
This method sets the cone width in which no opponents are allowed when the ball is passed to a teammate. The cone width is specified as the width to one side after distance 1. So for a value of 0.5 the cone angle equals 45 (22.5 to both sides).
Definition at line 331 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dConeWidth. |
This method sets the number of cycles waited by the goalkeeper after he has catched the ball.
Definition at line 532 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References iCyclesCatchWait. |
This method sets the threshold to determine when the agent turns towards the dribble direction when dribbling. When the global angle difference is larger than this value, the agent performs a turnWithBallTo.
Definition at line 573 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dDribbleAngThr. |
This method sets the desired end speed for the ball when a fast pass is performed.
Definition at line 368 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dFastPassEndSpeed. |
This method sets the fraction of the simulation step that is waited before an action is sent to the server in case no see message will arrive in this cycle.
Definition at line 407 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dFractionWaitNoSee. |
This method sets the fraction of the simulation step that is waited before an action is sent to the server in case the see message will arrive in the first part of the cycle.
Definition at line 429 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dFractionWaitSeeBegin. |
This method sets the fraction of the simulation step that is waited before an action is sent to the server in case the see message will arrive in the second part of the cycle.
Definition at line 451 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dFractionWaitSeeEnd. Referenced by WorldModel::updateAll(). |
This method sets the initial formation of the team.
Definition at line 632 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References iInitialFormation. |
This method sets the desired distance to an opponent which should be marked.
Definition at line 469 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dMarkDistance. |
This method sets the percentage of the field width. The corresponding y position is the maximum allowed y position for a player's strategic position.
Definition at line 652 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dMaxYPercentage. |
This method sets the desired end speed for the ball when a normal pass is performed.
Definition at line 349 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPassEndSpeed. |
This method sets the x value that is added to the position of a teammate when a leading pass is performed.
Definition at line 386 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPassExtraX. |
This method sets the confidence threshold below which player information is assumed illegal
Definition at line 139 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerConfThr. |
This method sets the radius in which a player has to be to be mapped from unknown to known player
Definition at line 193 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerDistTolerance. |
This method sets the confidence threshold above which player information is assumed very good
Definition at line 157 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerHighConfThr. |
This methods sets the maximal allowed number of cycles to intercept the ball.
Definition at line 254 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References iPlayerWhenToIntercept. |
This method sets the percentage of the maximal acceleration that defines in which cases the ball is actually kicked or in which case it is positioned better when the ball should be given a very high velocity.
Definition at line 235 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerWhenToKick. |
This method sets the angle when a player determines to turn to a point first before moving towards it.
Definition at line 211 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dPlayerWhenToTurnAngle. |
This method sets the number of seconds before the server is assumed dead. When no message is received from the server for this amount of seconds, it is assumed that the server is stopped and the agent exits.
Definition at line 553 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References iServerTimeOut. |
This method sets the minimum needed probability for the ball to enter the goal when a "risky" scoring attempt is performed. That is when an agent tries to score although the success rate is not very high, he will always shoot to a point in the goal where the probability that the ball will enter the goal is higher than this value.
Definition at line 514 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dShootRiskProbability. |
This method sets the radius around the strategic position in which an optimal position is considered.
Definition at line 489 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dStratAreaRadius. |
This method sets the threshold to determine when the ball is kicked to another position in the turnWithBallTo skill. When the global angle difference is larger than this value, the ball is repositioned otherwise it is not.
Definition at line 596 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dTurnWithBallAngThr. |
This method sets the threshold to determine when the ball is frozen in the turnWithBallTo skill. When the ball speed is larger than this value, the ball is frozen otherwise not
Definition at line 616 of file PlayerSettings.cpp. References dTurnWithBallFreezeThr. |
confidence threshold below which ball information is assumed illegal Definition at line 73 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getBallConfThr(), PlayerSettings(), and setBallConfThr(). |
distance before the penalty area to clear the ball to Definition at line 81 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getClearBallDist(), PlayerSettings(), and setClearBallDist(). |
radius in which opponent has to be to be taken into account for clear ball Definition at line 83 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getClearBallOppMaxDist(), PlayerSettings(), and setClearBallOppMaxDist(). |
minimum angle between opponents before clear ball is taken into account Definition at line 85 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getClearBallToSideAngle(), PlayerSettings(), and setClearBallToSideAngle(). |
Cone width (at distance 1) to check for opponents when passing to player. Definition at line 87 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getConeWidth(), PlayerSettings(), and setConeWidth(). |
Threshold value for angle difference that indicates when the agent turns towards the dribble direction. Definition at line 114 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getDribbleAngThr(), PlayerSettings(), and setDribbleAngThr(). |
end speed ball when passed fast Definition at line 90 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getFastPassEndSpeed(), PlayerSettings(), and setFastPassEndSpeed(). |
% of simulation step that is waited before action is sent in case no see message arrives Definition at line 93 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getFractionWaitNoSee(), PlayerSettings(), and setFractionWaitNoSee(). |
% of simulation step that is waited before action is sent in case see message arrives in first half cycle Definition at line 96 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getFractionWaitSeeBegin(), PlayerSettings(), and setFractionWaitSeeBegin(). |
% of simulation step that is waited before action is sent in case see message arrives in second half cycle Definition at line 99 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getFractionWaitSeeEnd(), PlayerSettings(), and setFractionWaitSeeEnd(). |
This is the distance the agent marks an opponent. Definition at line 102 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getMarkDistance(), PlayerSettings(), and setMarkDistance(). |
Maximum y percentage of the field width for the y position in a strategic position. Definition at line 124 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getMaxYPercentage(), PlayerSettings(), and setMaxYPercentage(). |
end speed ball when passed to teammate Definition at line 89 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getPassEndSpeed(), PlayerSettings(), and setPassEndSpeed(). |
extra x value added to x coordinate of player pos to which is passed Definition at line 91 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getPassExtraX(), PlayerSettings(), and setPassExtraX(). |
confidence threshold below which player information is assumed illegal Definition at line 69 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getPlayerConfThr(), PlayerSettings(), and setPlayerConfThr(). |
radius in which player has to be to be mapped from unknown to known player Definition at line 75 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getPlayerDistTolerance(), PlayerSettings(), and setPlayerDistTolerance(). |
confidence threshold above which player information is assumed very good Definition at line 71 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getPlayerHighConfThr(), PlayerSettings(), and setPlayerHighConfThr(). |
percentage of kick power rate when kick is performed Definition at line 78 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getPlayerWhenToKick(), PlayerSettings(), and setPlayerWhenToKick(). |
angle when to turn to ball when moving Definition at line 77 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getPlayerWhenToTurnAngle(), PlayerSettings(), and setPlayerWhenToTurnAngle(). |
This is the probability for the ball to enter the goal that is used when scoring with risk Definition at line 107 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getShootRiskProbability(), PlayerSettings(), and setShootRiskProbability(). |
This is the radius around the strategic position in which an optimal position is determined. Definition at line 104 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getStratAreaRadius(), PlayerSettings(), and setStratAreaRadius(). |
Threshold value for angle difference that indicates when the ball is kicked in turnWithBallTo skill. Definition at line 117 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getTurnWithBallAngThr(), PlayerSettings(), and setTurnWithBallAngThr(). |
Threshold value for ball speed that indicates when the ball is frozen in turnWithBallTo skill. Definition at line 120 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getTurnWithBallFreezeThr(), PlayerSettings(), and setTurnWithBallFreezeThr(). |
Cycles the coach waits after a catch has been performed before he shoots. Definition at line 110 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getCyclesCatchWait(), PlayerSettings(), and setCyclesCatchWait(). |
Initial formation for the team. Definition at line 123 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getInitialFormation(), PlayerSettings(), and setInitialFormation(). |
how many cycles to ball when intercept Definition at line 80 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getPlayerWhenToIntercept(), PlayerSettings(), and setPlayerWhenToIntercept(). |
Number of seconds before the soccer server is assumed dead. Definition at line 112 of file PlayerSettings.h. Referenced by getServerTimeOut(), PlayerSettings(), and setServerTimeOut(). |