- B. ten Cate, Ph. Kolaitis, and C. Lutz (2025). Query Repairs. Proceedings of ICDT 2025. (arxiv full version).
- B. ten Cate and T. Kappé (2025). Algebras for Deterministic Computation are Inherently Incomplete. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 9:25 (POPL 2025).
- B. Bogaerts, B. ten Cate, B. McLean, and J. Van den Bussche (2024). Preservation theorems for Tarski’s relation algebra. Logical Methods in Computer Science 20(3): 20:1–20:17.
- B. ten Cate and R. Koudijs (2024). Characterising Modal Formulas with Examples. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 25(2): 12:1 – 12:27.
- B. ten Cate, M. Funk, J. Ch. Jung, and C. Lutz (2024). On the Non-Efficient PAC Learnability of Conjunctive Queries. Information Processsing Letters 183: 106431.
- B. ten Cate, R. Koudijs, and A. Ozaki (2024). On the Power and Limitations of Examples for Description Logic Concepts. Proceedings of IJCAI 2024.
- B. ten Cate, V. Dalmau, and J. Opršal (2024). Right-Adjoints for Datalog Programs. Proceedings of ICDT 2024. (full version pdf).
- B. ten Cate, V. Dalmau, Ph. Kolaitis, W. Wu (2024). When do Homomorphism Counts Help in Query Algorithms? Proceedings of ICDT 2024.
- B. ten Cate and J. Comer (2024). Craig Interpolation for Decidable First-Order Fragments. Proceedings of FOSSACS 2024. 🥇ETAPS Best Paper Nomination
- B. ten Cate (2024). Craig Interpolation for Decidable Fragments of First-Order Logic. Proceedings of CSL 2024. 🥇Invited Lecture
- B. ten Cate, R. Koudijs, and A. Ozaki (2024). On the Power and Limitations of Examples for Description Logic Concepts (Extended Abstract). Description Logic Workshop 2024.
- B. ten Cate and A. Ganguly (2024). Characterizing Formulas via Post’s Lattice. Extended abstract presented at TACL 2024.
- B. ten Cate, M. Funk, J. Ch. Jung, and C. Lutz (2023). Fitting Algorithms for Conjunctive Queries. SIGMOD Record 52(4): 6-18 (Database Principles column).🥇ACM SIGMOD Research Highlights Award Paper
- B. ten Cate, M. Funk, J. Ch. Jung, and C. Lutz (2023). SAT-Based PAC Learning of Description Logic Concepts. Proceedings of IJCAI 2023. (arxiv). 🥇Distinguished Paper Award
- B. ten Cate, V. Dalmau, M. Funk, and C. Lutz (2023). Extremal Fitting Problems for Conjunctive Queries. Proceedings of PODS 2023 (arxiv). 🥇Best Paper Award
- B. ten Cate, M. Funk, J. Ch. Jung, and C. Lutz. (2023) SAT-Based PAC Learning of Description Logic Concepts (Extended Abstract). Description Logic Workshop 2023.
- B. Bogaerts, B. ten Cate, B. McLean, and J. Van den Bussche (2023). Preservation theorems for Tarski’s relation algebra. Presentation at DaLí 2023. (arxiv).
- B. ten Cate and J. Comer (2023). Craig Interpolation for Guarded Fragments. Presentation at the LICS Workshop on the Decision Problem in First-Order Logic (DPFO 2023) (arxiv).
- B. ten Cate, M. Funk, J. Ch. Jung, and C. Lutz (2023). Extremal Fitting CQs do not Generalize. Technical Report arXiv cs.DB 2312.03407.
- B. ten Cate, V. Dalmau, and J. Opršal (2023) Right-Adjoints for Datalog Programs, and Homomorphism Dualities over Restricted Classes. Technical Report arXiv cs.LO 2302.06366.
- B. ten Cate and V. Dalmau (2022). Conjunctive Queries: Unique Characterizations and Exact Learnability. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 47(4): 14:1 – 14:41. (arxiv).
- J. van Benthem, B. ten Cate, and R. Koudijs (2022). Local Dependence and Guarding. Proceedings of AIML 2022: 135-154 (arxiv).
- B. ten Cate and R. Koudijs (2022). Characterising Modal Formulas with Examples. Short presentation at AIML 2022 (arxiv).
- B. ten Cate (2022). Lyndon Interpolation for Modal Logic via Type Elimination Sequences. ILLC Technical Report X-2022-01.
- B. ten Cate and V. Dalmau (2021). Conjunctive Queries: Unique Characterizations and Exact Learnability. Proceedings of ICDT 2021:9:1-9:24.
- M. Benedikt, P. Bourhis, B. ten Cate, G. Puppis, and M. Vanden Boom (2021). Inference from Visible Information and Background Knowledge. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 22(2): 13:1-13:69.
For older publications, see DBLP or Google Scholar.