Postdoc positions on AI for sustainable molecules and materials

The university of Amsterdam is looking for 4 postdocs on the topic of AI for meta-materials. One of the positions will be co-advised by me, on the topic of “Machine Learning-based models of plant protein mixtures for sustainable food design”. Two other positions are co-advised by AMLab colleagues. Deadline for applications is 16 May. Apply is only possible through the form here.
(Note that another postdoc position at the VU on learning and reasoning for medical decision making is also still open, see below).

TMLR paper accepted

David Kuric’s paper on learning re-useable options was accepted to TMLR. Paper, code, and video are available on OpenReview. It proposes a gradient-based meta learning approach to discover sub-policies that are useful for rapid adaptation to different MDPs in a family of tasks. Congrats, David!

ICLR paper accepted

Qi and Marco’s paper got accept for presentation at ICLR. Congratulations! The submitted version is available here, camera-ready version is coming soon.

Two IJCAI papers accepted

Two of our IJCAI submissions were accepted:
With Niklas Höpner & Ilaria Tiddi: Leveraging class abstraction for commonsense reinforcement learning via residual policy gradient methods (pre-print)
With Jan Wöhlke & Felix Schmitt: Value Refinement Network (VRN) (earlier version)
Congrats Jan & Niklas!

CPAIOR paper accepted

Wouter Kool’s paper “Deep policy dynamic programming for vehicle routing problems” was accepted to CPAIOR. Congratulations! A preprint is available on the arXiv.