Invited talk by Jens Kober

The Delta lab will host a talk by dr. Jens Kober on “Robots Learning (Through) Interactions” on May 7th. Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, the talk will be live-streamed. More information on the Delta lab page.

Open PhD position

(Position is now closed)

We have an open PhD position on the topic of using symbolic knowledge representation as prior knowledge in reinforcement learning systems. This position is part of the Hybrid Intelligence centre, where we are currently recruiting 13 PhDs and postdocs across the Netherlands with another 14 positions to be announced soon. To directly apply for the position on hybrid approaches for learning sequential behavior, click here.


ICLR paper accepted

Wouter Kool’s paper on estimating gradients for structured discrete domains has been accepted to ICLR (Kool, van Hoof & Welling, pdf ). Congratulations, Wouter!

Two ICML papers accepted!

Two ICML papers were accepted: An Inference-Based Policy Gradient Method for Learning Options (Smith, Van Hoof & Pineau; pdf) and Addressing function approximation error in actor-critic methods (Fujimoto, Van Hoof & Meger; pdf). Congrats Matt & Scott!


I started a new job at the university of Amsterdam (UVA) as Universitair Docent (Assistant professor). I am in the process of relocating and updating my website, so for the time being not all information on the website is accurate.

ICRA paper accepted

New paper accepted at ICRA: V. Barbaros, H. van Hoof, A. Abdolmaleki & D. Meger: A Comparison of Eager and Memory-Based Non-Parametric Stochastic Search Methods for Learning Control. Draft coming soon. Congrats, Victor!

JMLR paper accepted

Our paper “Learning of Non-Parametric Control Policies with High-dimensional State Features” was accepted for publication in JMLR. A draft is available on the publications page.