Jan Rooduijn


  • Focus-style proofs for the two-way alternation-free mu-calculus
    with Yde Venema, accepted at WoLLIC 2023. (preprint)

  • An analytic proof system for common knowledge logic over S5
    with Lukas Zenger, accepted at AiML 2022. (preprint)

  • Filtration and canonical completeness for continuous modal mu-calculi
    with Yde Venema, at GandALF 2021. (preprint, doi)

  • Cyclic hypersequent calculi for some modal logics with the master modality
    at TABLEAUX 2021. (preprint, doi)


  • A right semimodel structure on semisimplicial sets
    supervised by Benno van den Berg, for an MSc Logic. (link)

  • Translating theories
    supervised by Albert Visser, for a BA in Philosophy. (link)

  • Nonstandard Methods in the Theory of Ultrafilters
    supervised by Jaap van Oosten, for a BSc in Mathematics. (link)