Short biography
Jacco Vink is an associate professor at the University of Amsterdam. He obtained his PhD at the University of Utrecht in 1999, based on research done on X-ray spectroscopy of supernova remnants at
SRON The Netherlands Institute for Space Research. During a short tenure as postdoc at the Astrophysical Institute Potsdam with Günther Hasinger he was rewarded the prestiguous NASA Chandra Fellowship, which enabled him to continue his research at Columbia University from 2000 to 2003.
After returning to the Netherlands as a postdoct at SRON, he became a faculty member at Utrecht University from 2005 to 2012. During this period he also was awarded the prestiguous Vidi fellowship, allowing him to form a research group, which broadened the scope of his research to also incude hydrodynamical simulations, and optical spectroscopy. In 2012 he became associate professor at the Unversity of Amsterdam as part of the newly formed GRAPPA expertise center for gravitation and astroparticle research.
Most of his research revolves around supernova remnants, with some detours to neutron stars, magnetars, clusters of galaxies and AGN.
In 2020 he published a monograph on all aspects of supernova remnants by Springer Verlag: Physics and Evolution of Supernova Remnants.
Curriculum Vitae
2012 - | Faculty member at the University of Amsterdam (associate professor) |
2005 - 2011 | Faculty member at Utrecht University (assistant professor) |
2003 - 2005 | Postdoctoral research at SRON, Utrecht (Research + instrument calibrations) |
2000 - 2003 | NASA Chandra fellow at Columbia University, New York (Research) |
1999 - 2000 |
Postdoctoral researcher at the Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (Research + software development for XMM-Newton) |
1995 - 1999 |
PhD student at SRON, Utrecht/Utrecht University. PhD thesis: The spectral morphology of Cas A, RCW 86 and SN 1006 Thesis supervisors: Prof. J.A.M. Bleeker, Dr. J.S. Kaastra |
1994 - 1995 | A brief stint as software engineer (C++) for ESA’s Ariana V launch platform at CRI (Leiden) |
1988 - 1994 | Astronomy Education, Leiden University Masters thesis: The luminosity function of galaxies in clusters; supervisor Dr. P. Katgert |
Grants and Awards
- 2021: NWO Groot grant for building hardware for CTA
- 2014: NOVA hardware grant for prototyping phase CTA
- 2012: NWO Graduate Programme grant for GRAPPA
- 2012: Van Gogh-grant (together with Dr. S. Gabici, APC, Paris) for French-Dutch collaboration
- 2009: NWO vrije competitie grant for Probing plasma properties of supernova remnant with the XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer
- 2008: NWO vrije competitie grant for High resolution X-ray spectroscopy of Type Ia supernova remnants
- 2005: NWO Vidi grant (5 yr) for Supernova Remnants as Sources of Galactic Cosmic Rays
- 2000: NASA Chandra fellowship award for Supernova remnants as laboratories to study shock physics
PhD theses supervised
- 2010: Eveline Helder, Cosmic-ray acceleration in supernova remnants
- 2010: Klara Schure, Supernova remnants as particle accelerators and probes of the circumstellar medium
- 2013: Alexandros Chiotellis, The interaction of Type Ia supernovae with their circumstellar medium
- 2014: Sjors Broersen, X-ray spectral analysis of non-equilibrium plasmas in supernova remnants
- 2019: Maria Arias, Radio observations of galactic supernova remnants
- 2021: Vladimir Domcek, Supernova remnants across the electromagnetic spectrum
- 2022: Rachel Simoni, Studies of supernovae and their remnants based on gamma-ray observations with H.E.S.S.
Selected professional activities
H.E.S.S. Working convener for Supernova Remnants, Pulsar Wind Nebulae, and PeVatrons (SNRPP) | |
2021- | Chair of the Minnaert Committee (NOVA's outreach committee) |
2015-2018 | Member of the ESA Science Advisory Committee for XIPE |
2010- | Member of the Committee for Astroparticle Physics in the Netherlands (CAN) |
2011-2013 | Member of the ESA Astronomical Working Group |
2008-2011 | Member of the IXO Science Definition Team (ESA) |