Computational Social Choice Group


We carry out research in Computational Social Choice, broadly conceived, as well as in Multiagent Systems, Knowledge Representation, and Artificial Intelligence more generally, and belong to the Theoretical Computer Science research unit at the ILLC. The group regularly meets at the Computational Social Choice Seminar. Check out this flyer for an impression of what we do.

COMSOC Group Poster    


Associate Members

Former Members

PhD Theses


Research Funding

We also were involved in COST Action IC0602 on Algorithmic Decision Theory (2007-2011), which provided funding for networking amongst researchers in AI and decision analysis in Europe, and in the GloriClass research training site for Logic and Games at the ILLC (2006-2010). Individual group members furthermore have been supported by a variety of grant schemes, including two FWF Schrödinger Fellowships, a fellowship from the Guangzhou Elite Project, and an AgreenSkills Fellowship.

COMSOC Group Private Area