Seminar Talks
This is a list of invited talks given at seminars and the like
(excluding regular conference talks and talks given at internal seminars at my own instititution).
- What's in an axiom? (4 March 2025)
Microeconomic Theory Workshop, Market Design Center (UTMD), University of Tokyo
- What's in an axiom? (7 March 2024)
TUM Informatik-Kolloquium, TU München
- Logic and Social Choice (18 September 2020)
IITK Logic Webinar, IIT Kanpur [Online]
- Axiomatic Justification of Election Outcomes (3 July 2020)
COMSOC Video Seminar [Online]
- Voting with Incomplete Preferences (3 July 2019)
Research Colloquium on Economics and Computation, TU Berlin
- How should we model incomplete information in strategic voting? (27 June 2017)
Dagstuhl Seminar on Voting: Beyond Simple Majorities and Single-Winner Elections, Schloss Dagstuhl
- Integrating Argumentation and Social Choice (6 June 2017)
Séminaires SMA, LIP6, Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris
- Rationalisation of Profiles of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks (3 May 2016)
Logic & AI Seminar, Department of Computing, Imperial College London
- Fair Allocation of Indivisible Goods (7 April 2016)
Lunch Seminar Theoretical Computer Science, University of Tübingen
- Diversity of Preferences (18 March 2016)
Workshop "Préférences, Elicitation, Décision" of CNRS GDR Recherche Opérationnelle, Paris
- Collective Rationality in Graph Aggregation (4 February 2016)
D.R.I. Seminar, École Normale Supérieure, Paris
- Judgment Aggregation under Issue Dependencies (2 February 2016)
Seminar at LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Voting on Actions with Uncertain Outcomes (8 December 2015)
Séminaire IRIT@UT1, Toulouse-Capitole University
- Judgment Aggregation under Issue Dependencies (25 November 2015)
Séminaire Theme 4, IRIT, Toulouse
- Voting as Selection of the Most Representative Voter (3 July 2015)
Institute Seminar, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing
- The Axiomatic Method in Social Choice Theory: Preference Aggregation, Judgment Aggregation, Graph Aggregation (22 June 2015)
Workshop on Clusters, Games and Axioms, Lorentz Center, Leiden
- Collective Annotation: From Crowdsourcing to Social Choice (21 October 2014)
Meeting of COST IC1205 Action on Computational Social Choice, Sibiu
- Voting as Selection of the Most Representative Voter (21 May 2014)
All-Russian Seminar on Mathematical Methods of Decision Analysis, Higher School of Economics, Moscow
- Voting as Selection of the Most Representative Voter (25 April 2014)
Institute of Mathematics, P.J. Safarik University, Kosice
- Collective Annotation: From Crowdsourcing to Social Choice (14 March 2014)
Computer Science Seminar, Tulane University, New Orleans
- Collective Annotation: From Crowdsourcing to Social Choice (25 February 2014)
Departmental Seminar, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool
- Voting on Actions with Uncertain Outcomes (5 December 2013)
LogIC Seminar, Department of Computing, Imperial College London
- Reduction of Economic Inequality in Combinatorial Domains (31 May 2013)
DESIR Departmental Seminar, LIP6, Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris
- Economic Inequality and Computational Complexity (23 January 2013)
IMS Programme on Algorithmic Game Theory and Computational Social Choice, Singapore
- Binary Aggregation with Integrity Constraints (3 October 2012)
Interactive Intelligence Colloquium, Delft University of Technology
- Graph Aggregation (4 May 2012)
SSEAC Workshop on Social Choice and Social Software, Kiel
- Sincerity and Manipulation under Approval Voting (12 April 2012)
Departmental Seminar, Department of Economics and Finance, LUISS University, Rome
- Graph Aggregation (8 March 2012)
Dagstuhl Seminar on Computation and Incentives in Social Choice, Schloss Dagstuhl
- Sincerity and Manipulation under Approval Voting (24 February 2012)
Workshop on Modeling Strategic Reasoning, Lorentz Centre, Leiden
- Ontology Merging as Social Choice (1 February 2012)
Workshop on Computational Perspectives in Judgment Aggregation, University of Luxembourg
- Binary Aggregation with Integrity Constraints (2 December 2011)
Dutch Network on Computational Game Theory Day, CWI, Amsterdam
- Binary Aggregation with Integrity Constraints (10 September 2011)
Workshop on New Developments in Judgement Aggregation and Voting Theory, Freudenstadt, Germany
- Computational Social Choice (4 May 2011)
Session on Computational Social Choice, European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition (FET'11), Budapest
- The Agenda Choice Problem in Multi-Issue Elections (3 May 2011)
Computational Social Choice Meeting, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
- Binary Aggregation with Integrity Constraints (22 March 2011)
ISLA Colloquium, Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam
- Binary Aggregation (8 March 2011)
Dagstuhl Seminar on Reasoning about Interaction: From Game Theory to Logic and Back, Schloss Dagstuhl
- Complexity of Judgment Aggregation (14 February 2011)
ILIAS Seminar, University of Luxembourg
- Complexity of Judgment Aggregation (8 January 2011)
"LogiCCC meets India" Meeting, Delhi University, New Delhi
- Making Choices (6 December 2010)
Faculty Colloquium, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam
- Complexity of Judgment Aggregation (29 October 2010)
Theoretical Computer Science Amsterdam (TCSA) Day, CWI, Amsterdam
- Economic Inequality (17 June 2010)
4th MARA Get-Together: Workshop on Multiagent Resource Allocation, Paris
- The Problem of the Safety of the Agenda in Judgment Aggregation (26 May 2010)
Departmental Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Padova
- Voting with Restricted Ballot Languages (9 March 2010)
Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Foundations of Social Choice, Schloss Dagstuhl
- The Problem of the Safety of the Agenda in Judgment Aggregation (4 February 2010)
Research Seminar in Logic and Language, Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science
- Introduction to Computational Social Choice (9 December 2009)
Intelligent Systems Group Seminar, University of Utrecht
- Logic and Social Choice Theory (6 October 2009)
"LogiCCC meets China" Meeting, Southwest University, Chongqing
- Voting with General Preferences and Ballots (2 June 2009)
COMSOC@MFI Meeting, ENSSAT Lannion
- Trying to please everyone (19 December 2008)
ILLC Open House, Felix Meritis, Amsterdam
- Collective Decision Making in Combinatorial Domains (27 November 2008)
Economics Colloquium, University of Amsterdam
- Computational Social Choice and Manipulation in Approval Voting (18 July 2008)
Seminar at LAMSADE, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Computational Social Choice and Manipulation in Approval Voting (8 April 2008)
Departmental Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Padova
- Computational Social Choice (13 March 2008)
Away-Day of the Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics (ACLE Heidedag)
- Fairness and Efficiency in Multiagent Resource Allocation (22 January 2008)
Multiagent Systems Group Seminar, Stanford University
- Logic-based Preference Modelling (8 November 2007)
Meeting of COST Action IC0602 on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Madrid
- Manipulation in Approval Voting (22 October 2007)
Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Issues in Social Choice, Schloss Dagstuhl
- Manipulation in Approval Voting (14 September 2007)
Dutch Social Choice Colloquium, Tilburg University
- Modal Logics of Negotiation and Preference (22 June 2007)
RUC-ILLC Meeting on Formalizing Actions, Roskilde University, Copenhagen
- Weighted Propositional Formulas for Preference Representation in Combinatorial Domains (9 May 2007)
Seminar of the Graduiertenkolleg Wissensrepräsentation, University of Leipzig
- Reaching Envy-free States in Distributed Negotiation Settings (December 2006)
ANR-PHAC Project Meeting, Université Paris-Dauphine
- Efficiency and Fairness in Distributed Resource Allocation (9 November 2006)
Agent Colloquium, Delft University of Technology
- Multiagent Resource Allocation: What to optimise, how, and why? (28 February 2005)
1st TFG-MARA Meeting, AgentLink Technical Forum, Ljubljana
- Negotiating Socially Optimal Allocations of Resources (9 November 2004)
Departmental Seminar, Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool
- An Extended Temporal Logic based on Ordered Trees (1 October 2004)
Logic and Computation Seminar, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon
- WinKE: A Proof Assistant for Teaching Logic (September 2004)
COFIN "La Conoscenza come Reti di Modelli" Project Meeting, Alghero, Sardinia
- An Extended Temporal Logic based on Ordered Trees (9 May 2003)
Theory Seminar, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
- Optimal Outcomes of Negotiations over Resources (January 2003)
IST FET "Global Computing" Joint Project Review Meeting, Paphos, Cyprus